Out in a quest

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"Hurry up, Merlin, we don't have all day," Arthur shouted.

Merlin just rolled his eyes and spurred his horse, increasing the speed in order to catch up with Arthur.

"How do you know where we're going, huh?" He asked the king. The two of them were in a mission, looking for a sorcerer who was causing some problems in the kingdom.

"There was something about a village in some reports, so that's where we're heading," he answered, without bothering to check if Merlin had cached up with him; he knew he did.

The servant mumbled something about not planning things properly, but he kept a cheerful smirk in his face as he followed him.

They rode for the whole day, but eventually they had to stop, to make camp and get some rest. As always, Merlin had to set up the camp and then, he went to search for wood. After building a fire and cooking a stew, he sat beside Arthur, who had been staring at him the whole time without helping at all. Merlin grumbled slightly and teased him a little.

"You know, you could help sometimes, or is it too much to ask from a royal ass like you?"

Arthur laughed and replied "Well, I'm your king, Merlin, so I don't have to do such things. I have you for that, it's lucky you're here, isn't it?" and added in a low tone, but loud enough to be heard, "Even though you're an idiot and the worst manservant I've ever had".

Merlin rolled his eyes. "Sure. I'm here because you need me and I protect you, but you're too stubborn to admit it," he continued with the familiar banter.

Suddenly, Arthur gripped him by his arm, and Merlin found himself crushed against his chest. He felt how a deep blush was spreading all over his face and his neck. Merlin was too aware of Arthur's body right then, and he fussed awkwardly, trying to get free of his grip, but there was no way. Arthur was far more stronger than him.

Merlin felt his magic stirring under his skin, reacting to the sudden touch, and he hoped that the rest of his body didn't react as well. It wouldn't be so nice to have Arthur discovering his magic or his feelings that way, honestly.

"What, Merlin? Is it me or did I heard you calling me a stubborn?" Arthur grinned.

"Prat" mumbled Merlin. The king held him even stronger and, approaching his mouth to Merlin's ear, he whispered "I heard that. I'll let you know that there's a special punishment for such impudence, Merlin."

With that, Arthur let him go and got up to get into his bedroll, leaving his servant stunned and gasping for air.

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