They lived happily ever after

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Eventually they broke away, just to catch their breath, and they pressed their foreheads together, red and wet mouths gasping for air.

"Seriously, Merlin, why are you still like this? Don't tell me that you are so bad doing magic as doing your chores," Arthur teased him, grinning.

Merlin rolled his eyes and replied "I've already tried, but everything I do doesn't seem to work at all. I guess the spell will fade away when the sorcerer dies. But I've saved your royal ass more times than I can count, and you... You can't begin to imagine all I've done. Oh, Arthur, I ..." Merlin had started to sob, but Arthur cut him.

"I know. Merlin, I know. Everything you've done for me, and for the kingdom. And I'm truly grateful for it. And, by the way, I may have spoken with some druids, and they might have told me everything about this Emrys and the destiny we share together. And I couldn't possibly be more happy because there's no one else who I'd rather spend my life. I love you, in case you haven't figured it out yet, you idiot."

A tear fell down Merlin's cheek, and Arthur gently wiped it with his thumb. "Arthur," Merlin said. "Arthur..." He hugged the king tightly and buried his face in his neck. "I love you too, clotpole." Merlin was shivering.

It had been a long day with too many emotions and confessions. And he was so happy, Arthur finally saw him as who he really was (well, the king had known it for much longer, but anyway) and he loved him back. Gods, Arthur loved him!

After a few moments, he calmed down a bit and tentatively he sucked Arthur's skin, leaving a bruise. "Ahhh... Merlin," he groaned.

The warlock pushed himself up slightly to find Arthur's mouth again for a soft kiss. Arthur kissed him back fiercely, and then he flipped them so that Merlin was beneath him.

"You don't know how I wish you had your bloody legs right now," he said into the kiss. Merlin smiled and put his hands in Arthur's waist.

"I swear you, I think I want them back even more than you do," he commented. Then, he rolled until they were laying on their sides, and Arthur swung his leg over Merlin's hip.

Merlin slid his hands beneath the hem of Arthur's tunic, spanning the planes of his lower back and holding Arthur snug against him. Arthur broke the kiss and pressed his mouth against Merlin's collarbones, he was making a bruise when a sudden noise made them pull apart.

In front of them was standing the sorcerer. "What a wonderful surprise, my lord. I'm sorry if I disturb you," he laughed.

"You," Arthur shouted, "Turn Merlin back to himself!" He drew his sword as he got up, but Merlin gripped his wrist, stopping him.

"Arthur, please, just - just stand behind me, and try to stay safe." Arthur glared at him. "I'm absolutely not doing that. I won't stand by and watch. As if you didn't know me. I won't leave you alone facing the danger on your own." he declared.

In that moment the sorcerer cleared his throat. "Hey, lovebirds, I'm still here. It isn't polite to have such a important person waiting, you know."

Merlin looked at him carefully. He was young, and he seemed to be strong and healthy. It saddened him. He didn't want to kill him, he was just so young. Surely the boy didn't really know what he was doing. But he gave them no other option, Merlin wouldn't let him hurt the king. Still, he made a last attempt.

"You don't have to do this. Just think for a moment. Arthur is different from his father. He'll make this kingdom a place where you can live-"

"I don't believe you! All my family has been murdered and they didn't even have magic. Too many people dead, Emrys, and the Pendragons are the ones to blame. So don't lie to me!" he yelled.

Merlin sighed, resigned, and Arthur took a step forward. Before the prat could get himself killed, he stretched his arms and opened his hands. Merlin casted a spell, and the sorcerer started to convulse, screaming.

Arthur watched him in awe, and Merlin smiled at him, but it was a sad smile. He didn't enjoy doing that. Finally, the young sorcerer fell to the ground, dead. Merlin started glowing, and after a few moments he had his legs where they had always been. He got up and jumped a bit, feeling fantastic.

"Thank gods!" he exclaimed. Arthur chuckled fondly and wrapped his arm around his tiny figure. Then, he approached his mouth to his ear and whispered "Now that you have your hole body back, I can think of a few punishments for breaking the law," and he sucked the skin under his ear, sending a shiver down Merlin's back.

Then, he kissed his way through Merlin's face until he reached his mouth, and gently he brushed his lips against Merlin's. "Arthur" he groaned, and Arthur smiled, drawing away a little.

Merlin was panting slightly, eyes wide. "Well, as you're still my manservant, and I want to keep it that way, I expect you to do all your chores quickly now that you can use your magic so we can have more time for your.. punishment" Arthur told him, amused.

Merlin flushed deeply. "As you wish, sire," and with a flash of his eyes they were back in Arthur's chambers in no time. Arthur seemed astonished. "I'm thinking about all the trips we could have prevented. What a waste of time.."

Merlin smiled cheerfully and whispered "If we weren't so idiots, there are a lot of things we could have been doing this whole time, you know".

Arthur laughed and he dragged him to his bed, lying down with Merlin beneath him.

"Ah, but we'll make up for lost time. I'm afraid we won't be leaving my chambers anytime soon, at least," Arthur grinned, "it's lucky no one expects us to be here until next week, or maybe two" Merlin laughed and kissed him softly.

"I love you, Arthur, with all my heart"

"As I do Merlin, as I do" . A new period was beginning for Camelot full of possibilities, magic and love, and as long as they were together they could achieve anything.

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