What the hell...

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The warlock was astonished when he realised that he also had gills, so he was able to breath underwater. It was an amazing experience. Soon, Merlin reached the shore and immediately he approached Arthur.

Apparently, the sorcerer had knocked him out, and he was still unconscious. Merlin smiled with fondness, Arthur was even more beautiful with the light of the sun bathing his blonde hair and his sharp features.

Hurriedly, he looked for some injury, and when he saw nothing at all he calmed down a bit. Merlin was on top of him and he knew he should get away, he was too close, but he couldn't bring himself to care about that.

Gods, he loved Arthur so much, it hurt to be always with him and not being able to kiss him, or tell him how much he cares about him. Merlin didn't know when it had happened. If someone had told him that he would fall in love with Arthur, back when he got to Camelot, he wouldn't have believed it. However, eventually the exasperation had became fondness, and the fondness, somehow, had became love.

Reluctantly, he came back to reality (he had been staring at him for quite a long time) but he didn't get off him. He should awake Arthur, he would be furious for having lost another day, and surely he would blame Merlin. He sighed, imagining Arthur's complaints.

Merlin was about to awake him when he realised that he was still a mermaid. The warlock cursed. He couldn't have Arthur conscious because then he wouldn't be able to transform into himself. And he wasn't willing to spend much more time in the water.

Merlin muttered a spell, but nothing happened. He tried again, and then with different spells, but they didn't work. Great, so he would have to stay like that until they found the damn sorcerer. Just fantastic.

Merlin looked down and moaned slightly. He was still on top of Arthur. Merlin lifted a hand and stroke his cheek.

"C'mon, Arthur, time to get up." The king just fussed a little, without opening his eyes.

"Rise and shine, sire!!" Merlin shouted, and he tapped his face.

Finally, Arthur woke up, and he stared at him with wide eyes. Merlin was going to ask him what happened when he realised that he was inches away from Arthur's face, and he was very much lying on him.

Merlin flushed deeply, and watched as a slight flush spread all over Arthur's cheeks too. Merlin started to apologise and he was going to get off him, but Arthur grabbed him by his arms and held him in place. That's when he noticed his tail.

He opened his mouth and then he closed it again, without saying nothing at all. Arthur looked stunned.

When he recovered from the shock, he asked "What the hell has happened to you, Merlin? Why are you a fucking mermaid? Gods, this is ridiculous."

Merlin rolled his eyes and replied "Well, Arthur, you see, there was this sorcerer, do you remember? And, yeah, you was about to charge him when suddenly he casted some spell. Then, there was a big explosion and I lost consciousness. The next thing I remember is, huh, being already a mermaid. Anyway, this is hardly my fault, so don't even go there," Merlin said, biting his lower lip.

Arthur's eyes traced down his servant's face, stopping by his mouth. Merlin stared at him in disbelief, and after some moments he cleared his throat, because he was getting excited and that wasn't good.

"Okay, idiot. But I wonder why are you still a mermaid. Perhaps this was a great moment to use your so secret magic and make yourself useful for the first time in your life." he declared.

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