Who He Is

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Ladybug had to really throw her weight around in order to acquire the hospital room for Adrien that she had done. She'd had to pull the fact she was a superhero, responsible for saving Paris multiple times, and by extension, most of the faculties lives. By this point, to her chagrin, the staff all knew who Adrien really was, so she had to use that to her advantage as well. It was practically extortion, but given everything that had happened to the two of them, Ladybug couldn't care less. It wasn't something she was proud of, but it wasn't something she regretted either.

It had taken a while, but some doctors had initially agreed with her requests, and it had just been a case of convincing some of the other staff members. Once that had been done, there was the matter of actually moving all the equipment down into the room. Ladybug helped.

She had managed to get him some sort of basement room underneath the hospital, an area that wasn't really commonly used for medical purposes. They had taken a heartbeat sensor, IV, a bed, and various other requirements for medicine down with them, in order to help better treat Adrien. Her reasoning was that if the media and reporters thought he was on one of the higher floors, the less trouble he'd be in if they started looking for him. There was little doubt someone here would say that Ladybug had come in with Adrien Agreste, or that someone saw her come here. She just had to keep Adrien as safe as possible. She had to.

As much as she felt that she had to, she couldn't take a minute to sit down and sort her own emotions out. That just wasn't an option.

Her priority was to make sure Adrien was safe. He was injured. He was vulnerable. His identity had been revealed.

Ladybug could wait for a better time to deal with her problems. They were insignificant compared to the list of Adrien's. She repressed her fears and sadness, and converted into strength as best as she could manage. 

"Do you... Can you tell how he's..." She couldn't even bring herself to finish her sentence. She just wanted to know if he'd be okay. Doctors were all around him, attaching various pieces of equipment and applying various ointments to him, she had no idea what his status was. She hoped the injuries looked far worse than they were.

"We're going to have to ask you to wait outside." One of the doctors said, a bottle of peroxide in his hands. Ladybug knew exactly what kind of liquid that was. Whenever she applied it to her own cuts, it stung like holy hell.

"Is he going to be okay?" She asked again, desperate for an answer.

The doctor, who looked to be in his early twenties, sighed and looked at her, passing the bottle to another member. "Nothing looks fatal, but he's going to be unconscious for the next few hours. There were a lot of us watching your battle, and some of us are concerned about possible toxins entering his system." Ladybug's eyes clearly widened at this comment. "To minimize the total injuries, and to eliminate the risks of toxins spreading throughout his body, we need to do a full body check. And for that, again, I have to respectfully ask you to leave."

Toxins? Poison? It made sense... They had been fighting a plant based Akuma, and plants were known to carry toxic elements within them. It certainly wasn't uncommon for a plant to be poisonous. In fact, it was very common. That thought just hadn't occurred to them. They were too focused on avoiding the immediate threat, and not the secondary threat. Adrien's difficult walking... That pain throughout his nervous system... Could that be the effects of those toxins?

"Please..." She said, sounding like a pathetic excuse of a hero. "Take care of him..."

To support the idea that Adrien was on one of the higher floors, she made her exit via one of the top floor windows. To her dismay, there was already a rather large number of reporters at the entrance to the medical institution, blocked by several medical members and, to her surprise, the police, acting as guards to the buildings. She wasn't sure if they were doing this because of the respect they felt towards her and Chat Noir, or if they were acting on the mayors orders, although, knowing Chloe's attitude towards Adrien, the former seemed rather more likely. She had probably pressed her father into sending some sort of guard to try and win Adrien's favor. But all the same, Ladybug was glad to see them there.

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