How Things Are - Final Chapter

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"So this is the guy?"


Both Adrien and Marinette knocked, and, when answered, walked into a secluded room in an apartment complex somewhere in Paris. Adrien had never been to this particular area in the city. He never had a reason to, not even as Chat Noir, like the Akuma were determined to stay away from this area. He had no idea why that was, but it never occurred to him to look. Perhaps he was simply uninterested, or hadn't paid enough attention to it.

He found what seemed like a very basic room, with only a table in the main living area. the floor was wooden, and the entire area was Chinese in aesthetic. It was all very minimal living, barely even any technology in the room. And despite having been welcomed in, there was no one inside.

"Hello?" Adrien called out into the room. He was met without a response. "Mari, you're sure this is the place, right?"

"Absolutely. This is where I met him."

"I can sense him here too." Plagg commented, levitating from his owners pocket. He floated around the room, seeming to remember all of the details rather well.

He was followed closely by Nooroo, who had tagged along with them. He had remained with the group for quite some time. It was, in fact, him who had suggested returning to this place. He had wanted to speak to Fu.

"You feel that too then?" Tikki asked, emerging from Marinette's purse. "Nooroo? you also sense it, right?"

"I - I do..."

Looking around and venturing deeper into the room, Adrien made his way to the table. on it, there was an octagon shaped object, with jewels atop it. Each jewel was in a different method of clothing, such as a broach, or a ring, or a pendant. They were all different colors, and despite seeing them for the first time, the young hero knew what they were instantly. "Miraculouses?...

"They're very old magical creations."

"Gaaah!" Caught completely off guard by an old mans deep voice, Adrien shot back and upright, half expecting that he was under attack. Marinette was more relaxed than he was, but she reminded herself it wasn't the first time she had met Fu.

"Relax, Chat Noir."The old Chinese man said, raising a hand as a symbol of peaceful intentions.

It was weird, but Adrien's first impulse was to ask how the master knew him, but then he remembered, freaking everyone in Paris knew who he was. He had automatically reverted to a fighting stance, ready to brawl, but he relaxed upon seeing the old man. He had grey hair, and seemed to walk with a bit of a hunch, presumably due to back pains. He also wore a red and white Hawaiian looking shirt.

"So... You're Master Fu?"Adrien asked, curiously.

"That is me indeed." Fu nodded, and turned himself to Marinette whom he greeted with a smile. "Marinette. Ladybug. It is good to see you again."

"Likewise, sir."

"You didn't think to mention this guy before?" Adrien asked, somewhat sarcastically.

"I must apologize for that, Chat Noir." Fu said. "It was I who requested she keep my location a secret." He bowed his head in apology, a Chinese traditional custom. "I had to prioritize the safety of the Miraculouses. Now that the danger is negligible, I was intending to request a meeting anyway."

Fu prepared some tea for each of the individuals there. Adrien and Marinette both noticed, his tea was very sweet. It border-lined with tasting bitter, but never crossed that point. Adrien would have compared it to a cafe's standard, were is slightly less sweet. Fu seemed to enjoy going a tiny bit over the top with things such as this.

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