I'm Going To Kill You

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Chat Noir had outmaneuvered Gorilla before. Many times. It wasn't difficult to avoid him, or even use force against him when required. He always felt guilty about doing so, but in the moment, he rarely felt like he had a choice, and would act out of sheer impulse to protect himself, and protect Ladybug.

Of course, that was before Gorrilla had gotten Akumatized by Hawk - By Gabriel. Now he was Rampage. An Akuma that he had been able to defeat out of nothing but luck. Muscle Augmentation allowed him to push his already bodyguard worthy physique to far beyond its normal limits.

The result was a monster in human form.

"Rrrrrraaaaargh!" Rampage threw a series of right and left hooks, each one coming one after another at rapid speeds, ranging at different parts of Chat's body. One right hook would be aimed for the cat-themed heroes head, while the next left hook might be aimed for Chat's ribs. The young hero had to backpedal back as quickly as he could manage to avoid these various, speedy attacks, unsure of what attack was going to come from where next.

Blank was Ladybug's opponent. It appeared that alongside the abilities that Adrien had told her about, Ladybug also had to content with some impressive martial arts done by the Akumatized receptionist. She made every effort to not allow Blank to remain grabbing hold of her body for more than three seconds - After that interval was up, Ladybug's memories could be vanished. While this made hand-to-hand combat a very dangerous option, Ladybug didn't have a lot of other options, short of dropping something on the poor woman, and she was trying to defeat her and purify her Akuma, not kill her.

She couldn't rely on Chat for backup here either. He had his hands full fighting Rampage.

Spinning her yo-yo as quickly as she could manage, Ladybug threw it at the receptionist, hoping to have it tie her up, bind her arms, and prevent her from moving. Unfortunately, Blank's combat skills had also been tripled thanks to the Akumatization. She was able to grab the flying yo-yo, and tug it towards her before Ladybug could comprehend the action, finding herself being dragged towards Blank's outstretched, grasping palm. If she grabbed hold of the red and black heroine, her memories could be taken from her. "Come here, Ladybug!" The villain yelled, this persona of a usually strict and restricted receptionist apparently enjoying herself.

"There's no way I'm letting you erase any of my memories!" Ladybug shouted back, and let go of the string, which gave her momentum, and kept her skidding towards to villain, despite now holding onto nothing. With this added force, Ladybug launched a sniping roundhouse kick to the side of Blank's head. the spin and force magnified to kicks usual power two fold, making Blank's head shoot to the left before she had even registered the strike. She dropped the miraculous wielders yo-yo, and the original owner scooped it back up. Blank was defeated, knocked out by one powerful strike to the head. She had an esper like power - A paranormal power, not one that used the body, like Rampage - Which meant her body wasn't magnified in strength, unlike Rampage.

"That was a lot less stressful than I thought." Ladybug muttered to herself, but she wasn't complaining. She quickly had to identify what object the receptionist had where the Akuma resided - And quickly found it to be a radio that she had in her ear. The purification process only took a few moments. This meant Hawkmoth would be unable to use this one against her or Adrien again at least.

"My Lady, a little help?!" Chat called over, leaping from a wall that was shattered a second after he jumped from it by a muscled monster, with a huge roar after. Chat skidded next to Ladybug, stopping just a few feet from her. "Gorilla was tough to start with. Now he's a walking pile-driver. I don't think we'll be able to beat him with just pure strength."

Ladybug agreed. She had seen Chat's original fight, with the original Rampage. she understood the powers well enough, and this guy was like a truck come to life. If they wanted to defeat him, they needed to locate the object the Akuma infected, or outsmart him. Or both, knowing this particular Akuma. Just one of those strategies might not be enough. "Any ideas?"

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