Seeds Of Doubt

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It was only about 8:30 when Adrien woke up, totaling at around seven hours of rest, but he was up, and completely rested. The nap he had taken the previous night had helped a little, so he felt totally refreshed. His eyes were still a bit heavy, as they tended to be in a morning, but he didn't have an issue with getting up, getting dressed, getting showered, and getting ready to face the day.

Plagg was still sleeping by the time Adrien had gotten out of the shower and thrown on his regular casual clothing. This included a basic white T-Shirt, and beige Levi jeans. They weren't too different to his regular clothes, but Adrien just liked the look. The colors suited him, he felt. He had dried his hair and applied the regular gel and combed it, and still Plagg wasn't awake, even though this process took roughly ten minutes, and Adrien hadn't exactly been quiet about it.

That suited Adrien fine though. Marinette was showing up today, and it was vital that Plagg be out of the way for that. When Adrien thought about it, that may include confining him to a closet for up to ten hours. That seemed a bit harsh for his black cat-like friend. Maybe he could let his Kwami fly around on the balcony of his room, along with the books he had? Risky, but it would be fair to Plagg at least, if he kept quiet. It would be something to do, at least. He'd have to discuss it with Plagg before Marinette showed up.

Reminded of Marinette's visit, he checked his phone, and scribbled his password into the touch screen, but saw that there hadn't been a call yet. He was thankful he hadn't managed to sleep through her calls or messages, so he had that. Maybe she wasn't awake yet. Or maybe she was being considerate to his exhaustion, and was giving him time to wake up. The more likely explanation was that he was overthinking things.

Deciding to leave Plagg to his rest, Adrien left his room, quietly shutting the door so Plagg didn't get woken up by it, and went to acquire some breakfast. So he didn't miss any calls from Marinette, he also tucked his phone into his right pocket, and made his way down the hall. On Sundays, it was rare that he would see his father for breakfast, like any other day, but Sundays, his father made no effort to make time for him. Throughout the rest of the week, Nathalie, whom acted as his secretary to both him and his father, would come with excuses at the very least, such as there was an last minute meeting with a client, but on the final day of the week, it was just a given that he would be eating breakfast alone. He didn't even bother to ask Nathalie for his fathers schedule. He would be in a planning meeting, out of the house, at a public event, anywhere other than home. It had just become part of the norm in the Agreste estate. It had gotten to the point where Adrien would consider himself lucky to even see his father whatsoever throughout the day.

He didn't bother the chefs with requests for a breakfast meal. For whatever reason, he didn't feel like waiting around for something to eat. Instead, he just grabbed himself a cereal bar and a piece of Camembert for Plagg, remembering his promise to the Kwami from the previous night. He was growing increasingly weary of carrying this putrid smelling substance everywhere he went. Before the cat like creature had shown up in his life, he hadn't gone anywhere near the stuff. Now he hadn't managed a day without going near it. He made sure to wrap it up in foil and clingfilm, to make sure that if he ran into anyone on the way back to his room, they didn't see the substance, and he could pass it off as a gift from some fan. Weirder things had happened to him in regards to fan mail. That came with the price of being a famous model, he supposed.

His initiative had paid off once he made his way back to his room. He ran into Nathalie, whom was going over some sort of arrangements on her clipboard, as she normally was seen to be doing. Always busy, never relaxed. Always some sort of work that needed to be completed, it seemed.

"Good morning, Nathalie." Adrien greeted politely, as expected.

Nathalie seemed to do a double take from her notes, looking up, seeing Adrien, and then back at her notes, only to then process who it was whom had greeted her. She placed her pencil to the edge of the board, and held it by her side as she spoke to the young model. "Good morning, Adrien. I hope you slept well."

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