A Rampaging Mystery

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Her head was spinning. that was all Ladybug knew in that moment when she woke up. Her head felt like it had been caved in with a sledgehammer for all the pain she was in, although remarkably, she wasn't bleeding. Her miraculous shielded her from the vast majority of the pain, which was very good, because otherwise, she would be totally unable to even move without sending a jolt of pain throughout her brain and body.

In spite of the throbbing headache she had received, she looked around... And found herself unable to move. She tugged at her arms with all her might, to no avail. She had been tied down using some disturbingly strong materials, such as a lamp-post around her arm. She had to bite her own tongue to remind herself to remain calm. The inability to move always panicked the young heroine. She needed to be able to move. Restricted movement always panicked her.

Around each one of her limbs was a metallic object of some sort, pinning her into a board. One part of it looked like it came from a car door. Another looked like it came from a window frame. Wherever this had all come from, it had been wedged in deeply, but there were loose areas. If only she had a single hand free, she could probably work her way out of here...

She was located in Paris. That much was obvious. She was nowhere near the Bastille anymore though. She had no idea where exactly she was, but she was overlooking a compound of some sort, so it was safe to guess she was on the outskirts of the city. Her inability to move both frustrated and angered her, resulting in her attempting to squirm free, despite knowing it was impossible. Loud metallic rattles could be heard as she did so, followed by a loud clank. For a second, Ladybug thought she had broken one of her restraints. that was, until, she saw the lumbering, shadowy figure next to her.

"Good to see you're awake."

Rampage was essentially a walking, breathing pile of muscles. Each part of his body had been amplified to the absolute limits of human capability, leaving him with a build that made him look like a living concrete slab. It was clear to Ladybug that before he had been Akumatized, whoever this person had been before that moment, had been someone who had taken pride in their impressive physique.

The Akumatization however, obviously enhanced that to the absolute maximum. To inhumane levels. The power he had gained from Hawkmoth was Muscular Augmentation, allowing him to enhance or retract his muscles however he wanted. And clearly, he wanted the sheer raw power of pushing his physical prowess past it's humane limits. Each part of his muscles looked like a watermelon had been applied to his body. They really were that large.

Aside from these clear enhancements, he had his chestnut hair flowing past his grey, bloodshot eyes and reaching his nose with ease, and longer hair at the back, tied up in a ponytail of his own. His, however, was not as neatly kept as Marinette's, or Ladybug's, leaving it completely disheveled at the back, not neatly meeting at a singular point like Ladybug's did. Along with this, she could see veins pressing against his skin on his arms and legs, coloured a lightish blue color. His face was brutish, his teeth always showing, and when he exhales, a small mist of white came from it, like his body temperature was so warm that even a reasonably summer's day heat wasn't comparative to him. Like the outside world was too cold for the heat within his body.

The outfit that covered him was akin to that of a bodybuilder. Around his arms were two rings that resembled gears, coloured dark grey, and he was basically shirtless otherwise, bearing his muscled figure to the world. Around his waist, he wore a pair of shorts, that looked like they had previously been jeans that had been ripped in two, and a cloak around his waist that covered his lower body. Around his waistline, in place of a belt, were a series of weights, each at roughly 2.5 kilograms, according to the writing on the side of them. Around his bulky neck was a chain, and on the end of the chain, was a straight up dumbbell, with apparently up to 6.5 kilograms applied to each side.

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