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-Willow's POV-

My car is almost out of gas. Damn. I'm almost to the coffee shop. Please, can I just make it there? Luckily, I pull into a parking spot just as I run out of gas. I grab my wallet and my keys but, it's not like I need them anyway since I have no gas. Haha. I walk in and I'm greeted with scents of vanilla and depressed teens. I get in line to order and think of what I want to drink. Before I know it, it's my turn to order. i end up getting a caramel frappuccino. Decaf obviously. I pay with the little money I have on me and get my drink. I sit down at a table after what seems like forever. Once again I take out my phone and started checking Tumblr. When I was almost done with my drink, my dad called. I answered and put the phone up to my ear. "Hi dad." I said as I threw away my empty cup.

"Hi honey. I....um....have some news."

"Is everything okay dad?"

"Yes, but I think you should get home so I can tell you."

"I can't, my car ran out of gas." 

"Okay. I will pick you up. Where are you?"

"I'm at the coffee shop."

"Okay, I'm on my way."


I wonder what's going on. My dad only gets like this with serious things. The only other time he acted like this was when I came out. 

I was snapped from my thoughts when I heard a short honk from my dad. I grabbed my things and ran outside and hopped inside his car.

"What's going on dad? I'm getting worried."

"It's nothing bad sweetie. I'll tell you when we get home."


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