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-Hannah's (Jamie's mom) POV-

I will never love a gay person. Ever.

-Willow's POV-

It's been months of me and Jamie having movie sleepovers and I couldn't be happier. But I would be a little happier if we were dating but Jamie is straight and we can't date because she is my soon-to-be step sister. Unfortunately. Since Jamie and I can't be together, I've decided I have to get over her. That's not going to be easy.

As I'm wrapping up my thoughts, Jamie walks over and sits down on couch with me.

"Hey Willow."

"Hi Jamie. I have to tell you something." I said uneasily.

"What is it?"

"We can't keep doing this. I want a girlfriend and you have a boyfriend. I'm sorry."

After I finished talking I stood up and walked out the door with my phone and wallet. I have to get a dress for the wedding, which is a week away, because for some reason Jamie's mom is not letting me be a bridesmaid. Maybe she's homophobic. She better not be.

As I hop into my car and call my dad.

"Hello? Willow?" my dad says.

"Hi dad. I have a question."

"Ask away."

"Is Jamie's mom homophobic?"

"Well, yes but-"

"Seriously?!?! Your going to marry a homophobic woman when you daughter is gay?!?! You know what don't answer that. Goodbye."

With that, I hung up and walked into the mall. I can't believe I have to go to this wedding.

I went into a nice looking dress shop and looked for a ballgown cut dress. Possibly black. After about an hour of searching I found the perfect dress. It was short and black with black lace sleeves and the back was cut out. It was beautiful. I didn't bother trying it on. I went straight to the counter and bought it.

I then went to the shoe store across from the dress shop and got a pair of white pumps with crystals on it

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I then went to the shoe store across from the dress shop and got a pair of white pumps with crystals on it.

I decided I wanted to do something that would piss off Jamie's mom

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I decided I wanted to do something that would piss off Jamie's mom. Dye my hair. She absolutely hates hair dyed unnatural colors.

That's when it hit me. I was going to dye my hair bright pink at the top and gradually fade into white at the very end. I smirk to myself. Plus I've always wanted to dye my hair. Talk about killing two birds with one stone. I smirk to myself.

When the day was done, I called my best friend in the entire world, Andrew. He has been on my side through everything even when my mother died. Enough with the tragic back story. I asked him if i could stay there until the wedding so I could surprise everyone with my new hair.

He agreed and we talked all night.

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