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-Willow's POV-

I've been crying for three hours now. I hear my dad knocking on my door asking if he could come in. I just ignore him.

Soon enough, my dad leaves realizing that it's no use. I stop crying because I just can't cry anymore. I just sit in silence for a good twenty minutes until I hear a knock on my door. Sick of talking through the thin wood of my door, I open it. I am pleasently surprised by who I see. 

"Hi, Willow." Jamie says shyly. 

"Hey, Jamie." I replied.

"Um, I heard you crying and I wanted to see if you were okay."

"Oh...um, yea. I'm fine. I just needed to get that out of my system."


"Do you wanna come in and maybe watch a movie to get to know each other?"

"Yes, that sounds good'"

I opened my door to let her in and I turned on my TV and put on Coraline, one of my all time favorite movies.

"Coraline!! I love this movie!" Jamie yelled.

I just laughed. I was too busy looking at her to pay attention to what she was talking about. After the beginning credits I leaned back and watched the movie. About half way through, I felt Jamie lean on my shoulder and I just put my arm around her. I felt her smile and that made me smile. 

By the end of the movie Jamie had fallen asleep and shortly after I fell asleep, too. For the first time in a long while, I had some good dreams


I really like this cheesy chapter. If you like the book please comment, vote, and share with your friends!! 


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