N i n e

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On the fourth day of the class field trip, Marinette took a long walk down to the main part of Tokyo, the scenery was beautiful and there were no clouds in sight. It was a wonderful night to stroll down the metropolitan city of Tokyo, especially during the night.

"Tikki, don't you think this is gorgeous?" Marinette asked her kwami as her kwami nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, for sure! Not as pretty as Paris, of course!" The red kwami squeaked in reply to her owner.

Marinette looked around and beckoned to Tikki quietly saying, "Get back in my bag real quick. I wanna take a hasty, but ravishing video." The kwami understood, flying into Marinette's purse.

The bluenette took out her phone and went to her camera. She switched the camera setting to record, pressing  the button to record.

"It's a delightful night in Tokyo as you can see," Marinette said, recording the fascinating scenery. "I'll do a three-sixty degree viewing of what the main part looks like, just so you can get a gist of what Tokyo truly is."

She slowly moved around in a circle, her camera catching every intricate detail. "As you can see it's beautiful here."

"Not as beautiful as you though, Princess." Marinette stopped the last frame of the video on the model as he leaned his arm on a nearby railing, giving her a charming smile. "GAH!" She freaked out, dropping her phone, with the recording immediately stopping once her phone hit the ground.

"Did I stun you with my charm?" Adrien picked up her phone and handed it to her. Marinette rolled her eyes, placing her phone in her pocket. "You just startled me a little bit, Kitty."

"More like a lot, Mari." He gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek, unsurprisingly making her blush once again.

Adrien swiped her phone from her pocket and speedily typed in her password, successfully unlocking her phone. Marinette tried stealing her phone back, but failed to succeed.

"Hey, give my phone back!" She tried grabbing her phone back as he clicked on her camera app.

"Whoa, whoa. Calm down, M'Lady. I just wanted a picture of us together." Adrien reassured the now feisty Marinette.

"Oh, okay. It's my bad for my overreacting." She rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment. He wrapped one of his hands around Marinette and pulled her to his chest. She felt his heartbeat and his breathing; it soothed her.

"One.. two.. three!" Adrien locked lips with her and her face heated up to look like a tomato. Marinette went with the flow of the kiss and pulled him closer to her so she felt safer. Snap! The camera went off at the best moment.

After a few minutes, they pulled away, and their heavy breathing turned to normal. Their cheeks were flushed red, and Adrien took a good look at the photo. A smile easily formed on his face.

"It's purrfect, Marinette." He smiled, showing Marinette the photo of them kissing. Her face felt hotter and she replied."It's perfect indeed, Adrien."

"Save it as your lock screen, M'Lady." Adrien smirked as he and Marinette started walking back yo the condo.

"No thanks, Kitty. In your dreams." She booped his nose, pushing him back slightly from her.

"Oh, come onnn.. it's cute!" He pouted, but Marinette refused to fall for his pathetic trickery. "Oh, Adrien. Let's leave. It's already nine p.m."

"Alright, fine. Let's go back, M'Lady." The model followed behind her. "This is the best vacation ever."

"Especially with you."

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