S e q u e l ?

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Heyo! This is the author, sxdastraws, speaking. I would absolutely love everybody's opinion on what I'm about to ask. Well, you guys probably know by the chapter title what I'm gonna ask, but I'm gonna ask it anyways.

Should I make a sequel?

Now, I've thought about this for quite some time, not gonna lie. I will most likely make a sequel, but I need you guys, the readers, to help me.

Here's what I request from you guys. And yes, your idea can be featured. I need, in order for your idea to be submitted:

• The title of what YOU want the sequel to be named.

• The plot of the sequel YOU want.

So for example, here's the set up:

• Title:
• Plot:

Simple, right? I believe in you, my lovelies! You can do this! Begin typing in the comments in that exact format I created, I don't care, and have fun while typing.

Also, if someone has the same idea as you and they already commented, reply to them by simply saying, 'vote'. Happy writing!

Winning Plot: @gianna33466


Special Note: Thanks so much for making this book a HUGE success. I didn't expect my ten chapters I wrote on my vacation in Florida to be a big hit to all of my fabulous readers. I love you all and thank you for contributing to this success.

I actually started considering a sequel a few weeks ago, but I was clueless on what to write it about. So, I decided to reach out to ALL of my readers in this book. Have fun! Love you all, my precious lovelies!

**EDIT: THE DEADLINE IS MAY 11th, 2018!**

With much love,
~ Soda (@sxdastraws ) 💕

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