S e v e n

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After dinner, Adrien and Marinette walked into their room. "I'm going to get into my PJs, you'll love them, Kitty." She winked going to their closet, speedily changing into her PJs.

Marinette came out in a Chat Noir onesie, with the model's face instantly turning red. She looks so cute! He thought, attempting to hide his face the best he could. She was wearing all black except with a giant green paw on her chest, green paws on the bottoms of her feet, and the palms of her hands. Marinette also had a little hoodie with green cat ears.

"M-Marinette.." Adrien stuttered with blush immediately over taking his face. "Y-You look v-very.."

"Adorable?" She replied, smiling cheekily and finishing his sentence. She sat down next to him and said, "Also, it has a zipper on my neck like Chat Noir's." He held her close to him, cupping her bottom, and placing her in their bed.

"Simply amazing." Adrien looked up and down at her onesie in an excuse to admire her appearance. "Can I zip it down a little bit? You must be burning even though it's sorta cold outside."

"Uh— sure?" The bluenette looked at him a bit weirded out. He grabbed her zipper and pulled it down to where her cleavage was located, satisfied with what he saw.

"That's better." He turned off the lights and hopped in bed with Marinette. She turned away from him, but Adrien smiled, and shook his head.

"You know, you're so silly. You decided to be with me all of your life. You can't ever turn away from me, M'Lady." He cheekily said, turning to face her towards him as her cheeks flushed with a pinkish tint.

"Yeah, I know, don't worry, Chaton. I'm just trying to get in a comfortable position to sleep in, that's all." She kissed him on the cheek.

"Well, you could switch sides, making you safe in my arms." Adrien suggested with a slight shrug, hoping she'd actually do it.

"Oh, alright. It wouldn't hurt to give it a try." Marinette shyly responded.

She verily agreed to me, she didn't shut down my idea! He wanted to squeal, but he kept his overexcited thoughts to himself.

The two switched sides and Adrien wrapped his hands around her, in which she was surprisingly small and fragile. To him, at least. "Thank you, Adrien." She whispered to him in a soft tone as Adrien's face was now a tomato color.

"Anytime and anything for you, Mari." He smiled happily as he started to fall asleep, but his partner was already fast asleep way before he was.

"Goodnight, M'Lady."


Hello, guys! My apologies for the short chapter. Would you guys want me to time skip to the third day? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading this, it means a lot to me!

~ Soda (@sxdastraws ) 💕

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