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"I— uh—um—" she kept stuttering to Adrien, fiddling with her thumbs. The bluenette didn't want to tell him that her crush was him, it would only make things awkward. What if he doesn't like me back? That'll only make this entire trip worse for the both of us!

"Well, I—" Marinette was interrupted by a jolting stop, meaning the bus had arrived at the airport. At least airplanes, in her opinion, were better than riding bumpy buses.

"We're at the airport now, children." Ms. Bustier announced as the students exclaimed their excitement. "Follow me in a single file line, but only for this time. Once we arrive at our gate, find a seat, and sit down until we board the plane."

The class did exactly what their teacher said and followed her instructions. They didn't want to disrespect her, since she was a nice and amazing teacher than the rest at their school.

Once everyone got into the airport by the boarding entrance, Adrien checked his phone out of boredom. He couldn't help but notice a text his father had sent to him just a few minutes prior to their arrival.

Gabriel: Adrien, are you doing alright?

The model facepalmed himself. Of course I'm doing alright! Why would Father think such a thing?

Adrien: Yeah, I'm fine, Father.

Gabriel: Oh okay, I'll check on you every now and then.

Adrien put away his phone and sighed, burying his face in his hands. It was thoughtful that his father worried and cared for him, but deep down, he knew that he didn't want Adrien's model status to go down in flames.

Marinette recognized her crush's sudden change in mood. She turned her head to face him, giving a worried glance and asking, "I-Is something wrong?"

Adrien sighed again, itching his hair in discomfort. "Yeah, I'm okay. I wish my father cared for me, regardless if I'm a model or not."

"Oh, Adrien.. I-I care about you!" Marinette smiled brightly, looking into his jade green eyes. Adrien looked at her, genuinely surprised. "Really? Not because of me being a model?"

She nodded eagerly. "R-Really! I-I like you because of your personality. I-I can tell you're caring, amazing, kind hearted, comedic, and friendly, even under the surface of your appearance. Y-You may even hate me for saying this, so I'm very sorry."

"Oh, Mari.." he trailed off, flattered by her generosity. "Thank you for caring so much about me. Y-You have a neat personality too. Also, don't worry, I will never hate you." Adrien held her in a sudden embrace as her face turned a peachy pink color, due to her being flustered.

A few seconds later, the intercom above them announced, "Air France CDG-HRT is now boarding. I repeat, Air France CDG-HRT is now boarding."

"Well, looks like that's our flight. Let's go!" He grabbed Marinette's hand and pulled her along with him to the boardwalk of the plane. She looked down at his hand holding her's, secretly fangirling.

They met up with the rest of their classmates in a matter of seconds, in which they knew exactly where to sit. The duo walked over to Alya and Nino's seats, and sat in front of them, similar to their seating on the bus.

There were two seats per spot, with a curtain by the aisle seat to give people privacy. There were two cup holders and snack holders as well, one for each person.

"This plane is pretty neat," The blond haired boy commented casually with a warm smile.

"Yeah, no kidding." Marinette replied with a nod of agreement.

"Which seat would you like to pick? Ladies first, as always." Adrien bowed politely as the bluenette walked past him in the aisle.

"O-Oh! T-Thanks! I'll choose the window seat." She smiled in reply, her blush slowly coming back to her. Adrien allowed her to sit down first as promised and sat down in the aisle seat.

"Now," he turned to look at Marinette. "Are you ready, M'Lady— I mean, Marinette?"

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