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Tyler's P.O.V
( Scene: 9:30 am, at the studio.
Date: January 17th, 2016)
The day begins and my thoughts are bombarded by strange and twisted things. I push them aside to get back to my writing in the studio. My mind is dazed and unfocused.
I see Josh looking at me with a look of concern or discomfort. He leans in and asks,

"Is everything ok, Ty?" I can hear the tiredness in his voice.

"To be honest, I don't know man" I'm afraid to tell him the voices are back.

"Let's call it a day and head back to your house. Jenna hasn't seen you since last night. She must be worried."

"Alright. I need a day off" It's about 11:30 by the time we head out.

We leave the studio. I jump at the sound of the door slamming behind us. As we get into the car, I quickly fall asleep. I didn't get much sleep last night.

We pull up to the house, I can see Jenna's tracks in the snow. She must have been pacing by the way the footprints are. I begin to feel guilty for telling Jenna I'd be home around 10. The door flings open and she comes out in a frantic manor.

"Tyler where have you been? I've called, I've texted, I've been wor-" She blurted out.

"Jenna I'm so sorry, I was having I rough night and I ended up staying over at Josh's place" I responded.

"Tyler you could have texted me, I was so worried. You said you'd be home by 10 and it's noon now."

"I know, I know. I'm really sorry. I really am. You're totally right, I should have texted you." I said in my most sincere tone.

"Come inside, tell me what was going on please?"

"Ok, I'll just say goodbye to Josh then I'll be in." I walked back to where Josh's car was parked in the street.

"I'd invite you in but I really scared Jenna I guess. I'd better take care of her, she's got some stuff going on so."

"That's alright, I'm gonna head over to my parent's for a bit. Ashley is back in town so I figured I should go visit" Ashely has been in LA for awhile, I'm glad to see her back.

"Alright, go have fun. Say hi to the family for me" I walk away as I hear the car start up and drive away behind me.

I walk inside the house and see Jenna sitting on the couch bouncing her leg. I sit down beside her and lay my head on her shoulder.

"What's going on Tyler? You've been acting strange lately..." She said with a distraught sound.

"I'm afraid to tell you what it really is" I say in a low raspy voice.

"Tyler... you can tell me anything" she says grabbing my hand. Our fingers intertwining.

"It's... it's just that...." I sigh

"What is it Tyler?"

I didn't reply. I don't know how to tell her the voices are back. A good minute passes before I mutter,

"It's too big for me to say aloud."

"I don't know what's going on but I'm right here Tyler." She wraps her arms around me and I sink into her warm embrace. I'm too afraid to tell anyone they are back....

I'm finally back. Sorry I haven't updated since last year, geez that's a while

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