chapter 2

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"heyy, uncle i missed you so much how are you?!"i said in greeting tone while hugging him i feel his daughters gaze on me looking from top to toe but while they whispering and i know that's on me "oh little baby, i missed you too i'm good why my little girl not calling me"he said "i'm sorry accept it please but this month i have exams"i said than i turned to the biggest showers that almost the people on the cafe never stopped to star on tham "hey alexanderia how are you " i said shaking hand with her she looked at my hand for seconds i felt she will not shake it and than raised her hand and take mine "fine"she said alexanderia for my information that i think she doesn't like to speak alot and that's something good she is the elder one than bella she is blonde and has dark brown eyes and she is taller than me shaking hands with bella without speaking bella we can say she is little nice she have a tan skin and blue eyes with short brown hair..

ordering some main dishes and drinks i order as a main dish a lasagna i love it and as drink pepsi when i was in school they call me pepsi girl i really love pepsi .for mrs alexanderia she ordered a salad with mini chicken slides with water and bella ordered only two slides of pizza and orange juice and the order came with all the orders but without the orange juice.

"excuse me where is my orange juice " bella said in angry tone but still cold "sorry mrs it's sold out can i get for you something else instead? " the waiter said in respect tone "why didn't you tell me are you sleeping if you are just tell your manger to give you a day off " bella said in angry little loud voice grab all the family attention " sorry mrs we have ..." the waiter is about to say a kind of other juice she interupt him " you going to let me drink what my boss !am i going to ..." bella said while uncle adam interupt her " get for her a cold water and thank you" he said in flat tone the waiter left the table and uncle adam returned to her " never loud your voice again while you sitting with your family and that's final"he said in little angry tone .

"are you eating a pizza it has many cheese you going to be fat" alexanderia said. look at yourself girl she called herself a curvy model we are both thinner than her " just one time in a month doesn't count" bella said while rolling her eyes to my direction they didn't stop whispering for a couple of mins and i know 50 percent of their whispering on me i don't care.

"oh you wearing a black dress lialy it's weird did your clothes all in your washing machine and just borrowed or something"she said in cold unacceptable tone " no not at all i have alot of dresses but i only wear them where i suppost to wear them "i said in sharp tone than i standed up and told them that i'm going to wash my hand walking to the restroom hearing alex and bella whispering more.

while i stop staring at them and return to walk i just hit the wall oh god noway that happened to me why now i was the winner of the speech oh god.... wait what what that wall come fromm i raised my head to see the most beautiful, handsome man i have ever see oh my god no he is prettier than me no than anyone here maybe in the town his black suit is really suitable for him and his hair oh god i will not say enough he interrupt me from my thoughts i just want to kiss him no no no.

" wake up"he said in flat , sharp tone he didn't move an inch what are you in the same line with alex and bella or something you just got me embarrassing for no thing you got them laugh at me and i know that my cheeks are flushed "i'm sorry i didn't s.."while i saying he pull out the chair and sit like i never been talking or here at all and here we go i hear their laughing i continue walking to the restroom than when about to enter it i return to see if i forget my phone or it drops on the floor while i bumped on that wall i find my phone on the table while seeing that i dicovered that about 3 men in black suit standing in circle shape around that wall and a man and dark blue shaking hands with him they seems like close friends because i never saw a wall smile than i went into the restroom after a couple of mins i hear i little laughing and chatting outaide the restroom i opened the door slowly and see the wall and his friend chatting with to girls oh! that are my cousines noway that can be faster than i think or may be they knew each other from before while they are chatting the men in black suit standing behide them oh i know way they chatting here because no one can see them and i'm about to walk back to my table a voice stoped me.

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