chapter 5

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new way to walk continue that story


walking out of the hotel i don't want to think about last night i'm really disgusting i don't know how i just did that last night ohhh god. i waked up this morning found no one in the room i just run to the door . i even run until i found the way out of the hotel. walking to home i don't know if mama called me or not what if she called like hundred time of course she is really worry about me. while walking i remembered everything about last night i just dont want to remember no please this party and that boys oh god azam and and i i jusssst drunk alot no way and i slept on his bed in his room he showered me he just did all of that what if mama and papa find out about everything what about my image infront of him not only him but also front of all the people of last night . i just wondering about everything mama and papa i even wondering about how i just wore that clothes on me right now .feeling the tears falling on my cheeks.

just closing the door of my apartment behide me i just need to sit alone for thinking oh tomorrow i have a college i have no interesting to go at all.i just want to sit alone all alone.


just finishing running going up to my room. i just found no one! where is she go?? noway she ran she ran away.

walking into the bathroom taking my warm shower while thinking hard what i'm going to do with her?

wearing my black suit. looking to myself in the mirror i just listen to my phone ringing i know who is it? i just dont want pick up but just have to.

picking up"yes hureh"
"where are you?"hureh says sound like weird about me but i know she is not . ofcourse she just has some problems with the maids in the house so she called me . she is never calling me because she is weird or because she needs me but she calling me for her business how she needs my help . i even traveling for 2 mouths and if everything is okay with her she doesn't even pick the phone to call me for once or even she doesn't wake up to say her goodbye to me.

"what do you want?"i said cold flat tone

"okay i just called to tell you i have to travel with my friends to paris my friend has an accident over there and we all going to visit him and also to have some fun and enjoy out our time"she said in happy tone
like she even not feeling sad about her friend that has an accident.

"okay,than"i say coldly

"yeah, i'm calling to ask you if you can raise my budget rate of my visa because as you know that i need to make shopping over there so i need more money because last week i buy a beauty machine so i..."i just cut her

"tell adahm and he will do everything"i said than i hang off

than walked down stairs getting into my car another ring . so what now!

"yes"i said in sharp tone

"sir. mrs hureh told me.."i cut him

"do as she told you" i said than leaving for him to time to say anything more i hang off.



after waking up.makeing some green tea and watching the tv checking on my emails i have many emails from customers but i have no mood to even reply. last night doesn't gets out of my mind. i can't stop thinking when i hear my phone ring hurrying up to the phone while holding my hot tea the cup dropped out of my hand flying to the floor while trying to catched before hits the floor i got some of the hot tea on my other arm and the cup dropped broken on my foot hard.

ohh it's hurting. running to my bathroom putting cold water on my foot and also on my arm than i get some ice and put it on my scorched arm. i hope it doesn't leave any effects.

holding up the phone to see who have been called? it's mama oh 5 missed calls whats wrong is papa okay is something happened with asmetha or are they knew what happened last night noway how !! while i going deeper in my thoughts the phone ring again cutting my thoughts of looking to the caller id it's papa
oh god what's wrong?
answering "papa what's wrong? "i say weird tone

"come here now"papa said in really sharp tone leaving to space to discussion
"yes papa i will be over there in minus"i say hanging of the phone thinking about what's wrong what just happened to them the first time papa calling me and telling me to hurrying to home.

knocking our home door mama opened and she looks like she has been crying what whats wrong the first thing come to my mind asmetha where is she and i just calmed down when i saw her running in my direction hugging me strongly.

"asmetha go to your room i need to talk with your sister"mama said in sharpe sad tone
i need to to what's wrong?

"mama i want to sit with laily i want to tell her want happened today in my school"asmetha say in playful tone

getting down on my knees leveling myself with her looking to her cute face .

"i will listen to everything you want me to but after i just sit with mama for a couple of minutes.. okay "i said in happy, calm tone.

asmetha gave me a sad puppy face i looked to her giving her sorry face than followed mama to the kitchen i sat on a brown wood chair as i have been punished looking to mama to open her mouth and telling me that everything is okay.


next chapter is really going to be interesting keep reading thank you

and who do you think hureh is?
what's wrong with laily's family?
let's see

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