Chapter 6 Hymn

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I contemplated trying to rest for hours. The day had been long, and the night was quite for once.

The visit from Agatha the Agitator had left my skin prickly all evening. If a woman like that is here, perhaps she is trying to end this game she has been playing. In order to win, however, someone else has to lose.

The edge of the bed creaked beneath my weight. I stared down at the food my captors had left after the midnight song. It resembled vomit, in the way that it was unrecognizable. The scent also resembled vomit. Usually I find that whomever prepares my meals, simply combines all of the necessary elements to keep me healthy in the most unappealing way. I have tired not eating it, but that only leads to gag-inducing force feeding. So, what that in mind, I crept off the bed and retrieved my dinner. They had the courtesy to leave me a spoon. The slop wiggled on it's way to my lips. The meal tasted exactly how one would expect.

A stone landed on my balcony's edge, saving my tongue from the mistreatment it was about to endure. The stone was small and red in color, unlike the stones from the road by the tower. Light gold flickers caught my eye as I reached the stone. Gazing down at my company, for the second time that night, I noticed her white smile and how false it appeared, even from so far away.

"Princess," She called to me.

"Why are you here?" I stopped her from trying to appeal to me again.

"I have something to ask of you." She ducked her head.

"Is that so?" My responses were kept short, as to not give into this strangers desires.

"Yes, I'm asking, no, begging you to help us and your people." She yelled to me.

I knew I had given her too much. "How dare you try and guilt me into your battle!"

"No, no please Hymn! I'm being genuine!" She pleaded in response.

"Even if that were true, there is no way I can help you. Unknown to most, I am chained to the floor. I am watched like a criminal! To what benefit do I have to you?" Speaking out loud seemed to liberating, though the more I spoke the more I felt as though I was doing something very wrong. If Gettidie would ever find out.

"We have a plan for you, we have a way for you to help, all you have to do now is listen and we-" My acquaintance was cut short by the sounding of horses and men charging through the street.

At the end of the open square, the Torian Forces raced around the last building and right to Agatha's side. There were five men, two rising large black horses, and three on foot. Four of them were in the black metal uniform, the fifth man was short and round. I could see the reflection of the moon on his head.

"That's the one! She was throwing stones at the Temple Tower!" The man pointed to the tower and looked up. Apparently he had not expected me to be standing on the balcony, and reared back in shock.

"Excuse me miss, you know th- Dear Deus. Restraint!" Called one of the men on horseback. I cringed at the thought of what is coming. The Force's most barbaric actions, is the ritual they perform when restraining criminals. The town square is usually empty at night, but in the day theft is a common practice.

Agatha began to dart away, at a surprisingly quick rate. The men prepared the leather rope from the satchel they kept on the side of their horse. The men threw the other end of the rope to each other and dug their boots into the side of their horses. They came up behind Agatha and swept the leather under her ankles, causing her to land on her hind end. When she was on the ground they slung a leather noose around her neck and pulled. I heard the snap of the leather going tight, and the sound she made when her airway was cut off.

"So it's true! She's here! The Agitator is here." The lumpy short man called as he ran with the other two men in the Force.

"You're damn right I am," She bared her teeth like a dog, and pulled at the noose that dug into her throat. She snarled when they pulled tighter. "And I'm coming for all of you!" she growled.

"Not in prison! Or perhaps we should kill her now," said one of the men as he pulled the noose even tighter.

"Please stop!" I implored from the balcony's edge. Years I have been forced to endure them torturing the innocent or the hungry. This woman promised me a way to help my people, and as much as I do not trust her, I do not want to see her die.

The four men turned to me, wearing the same expression as the lumpy man; pure and utter astonishment. Agatha glanced up to me and grinned. It was the kind of grin that I see children give each other when they play. Was this a game to her? Like cat and mouse? Regardless, she quickly released herself and slipped into the shadows again. She had a talent for disappearing. By the time the men noticed, she was gone.

"Split up!" Screamed one of the men, and they were gone.

I was alone again, and my heart pressed against my throat. The plate of mush was still laying on the floor, but I could not eat.


Hymn, The Princess in the Stained Glass DressWhere stories live. Discover now