Chapter 8 Agatha

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I laughed at the little princess. The tower had made her seem so much taller, but now that I'm standing here, I see she's tiny. Her head touched my chest, maybe. Granted I was in boots and she was barefoot, but even without shoes she'd be small.

That dress she wore really covered the beauty of the princess. She was slightly plump, and her face was round, almost a complete circle. Her nose was flatter and rounded, and her lips were large. They tug down in a frown at the moment, but they were a rich brown color. Her eyes were large and golden, much like most island- Unway, people. She also shared the moles that dotted the corner of her eyes on both sides, and either side of her mouth. Her brows were large and unshaped.

"In the flesh," I chuckled, stripping away my disguise. Her jaw dropped, stayed in place. Her mouth tried to shape the word how, "How? How you ask? Because I am a master of Disguise your highness." I bowed in my glory, not once underlying my achievement.

Though, as I said your highness, the events of this morning flashed in my mind. "I am so, so sorry. If I had known that talking to you would have, done that." I shook my head trying not to think of what happened. There was nothing that disgusted me more than the pompous, revolting, superficial hands of a man taking the body of a woman, or anyone, and degrading it to nothing more than trash, a tool. If there were ever a doubt that the lives I've taken in that King's name was justified, I have no question now. If this is how he treats a princess, no wonder he taking advantage of this country, her people, and the rest of the world. And to imagine-

"You have beautiful eyes. Thinking dark thoughts like you are now makes them dim and frightening. You are charming. When you get this way, I'm frightened." She spoke in such a calming and genuine tone.

Her words sobered me and I leapt to her head. "Let me see. I have been ordered to tend to you right?" I smiled through the guilt and hate that tightened my chest.

"So how can I help? You said you had a plan?" She turned to face me and I smiled an intentionally condescending smile.

"We do, but right now you need to sit and take care of yourself." Her brows furrowed,

"Can you tell me as we sit? She asked in a small voice. I shook my head yes and lead her to the bed. I perched on top, and let her sit in front of me. I felt her head. There was a large, painful feeling lump that rose from her head like an egg. There wasn't blood however.

"I think you'll be okay, if you take it very, very easy. How are your shoulders and wrist?" She turned and showed me the fresh bruises. To imagine that he could harm her without thought. She seems to innocent. On the other hand, I could harm him without a second thought and sleep, perhaps, better because of it.

I finally felt the eyes and looked up. Her expression was full of worry. "I'm sorry. It's just, when I think about the King and men like him... I'm sorry." I ducked my head. "It's amazing."

"What is?"

"You've been a prisoner all your life, you're not even allowed to speak, and somehow you still have the presence of a princess."

"Flattery will get you nowhere, Agatha. I'm immune." She spoke, straight-faced. I huffed a laugh. "Tell me."

"Our main problem, right now, is communication. The city has become so strict on the exchange of information, there is no way to send our message." She nodded. "You're able to speak Unway,"

"Yes." She interjected rather brashly. Her quick response seemed so defensive. I chose to ignore this outburst and continue.

"We were thinking of ideas and had the idea that we could use your magnetic presence to our advantage and communicate to all of the capital city, and the hundreds of people that visit here that were starting our revolution and other information we would need to tell everyone. We were thinking... Perhaps you can sing the songs in Unway, and hide messages inside."

"Are you insane?" She laughed but then became angry. "Do you have any idea what you're doing? For one, the king and his men listen every day and know what I sing. Two, do you know how many people can speak that language? Hardly any because they don't care. You're 'message' would fall on deaf ears, Agatha. Not only would it put you and I and anyone involved in danger, but it would be pointless." She stood up and walked away, her back turned to me.

"Hymn... We were thinking of using key words that people would understand, and also using the Unway people that are working and fighting here in the city. You can help, and I think you want to. Don't you?" I walked after her and saw her cringe.

"That's unfair." She whispered.

"I know. I'm sorry." I wasn't backing down though, we needed her.

"I want nothing more than the freedom of my people, I do... But your plan is impossible and if it would go wrong it would only make matters worse for them. I'm sure you understand this." Her back was still turned to me.

"So? What is success without sacrifice? Luck? Luck doesn't exist. If you truly want your people to be able to be free, free in the real way, then wouldn't you try anything?"

"Not if it would result in more suffering! I know your intentions are good but I cannot help you!"

"My intentions are good? No Hymn, they are life altering; world changing. Depending on where you stand will determine if they're good or bad. So, where do you stand?" I finished, placing my hand on her shoulder.

"I stand for the welfare of my people. I'm not choosing your side and I'm not choosing his, I'm being a princess, or as much as I can be one."

"The welfare of your people? Is the welfare of your people having tear apart their home and sell their labor for no one's benefit but their own? If it being sold like animals? Or was it watching the genocide of every adult and baby? How can you speak of welfare you're your punishment for speaking is rape?" I had let my mouth run to long and I saw the betrayal flicker into her eyes. "I'm sorry, again..."

"Please go." She whispered.

"Hymn..." I pleaded futilely.

"I said leave!" She yelled.

I gathered my things and was gone before she turned around.


Hymn, The Princess in the Stained Glass DressWhere stories live. Discover now