Ch. 2 Arriving

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    We are currently on the plane waiting to arrive in Philly, which is where Mario and his friends have their first show. Everyone is asleep with headphones in their ears. But not me. I can't fall asleep. I can't stop thinking about how crazy all of this is going to be and how much I'm going to miss my friends back home. Maybe It will be fun... I don't know. I'm just trying to be positive.
    We finally arrive to Philadelphia and the plane lands. We get off very rushed because everyone is ready to get to the hotel. I was informed that me, my mother, and my father will be sleeping in one hotel room, while the four boys stay in one across the hall.
    We arrive to the hotel and it's not as hectic as I thought it would be. Everyone was just so tired. I walk into my hotel room ready to crash when I remember that I never brushed my teeth. I remembered that I ran out of room in my suitcase to pack toiletries so Mario put it with his stuff. I walk across the hall to Mario's room and knock on the door. "Who is it?" an unfamiliar voice shouts as they open the door. It was one of the twins. Either Julian or Jovani but as I said, I can't yet tell them apart. "Uh hi yea um is Mario in there?" I say nervously, only because this boy is staring at me with his beautiful eyes. "Uh yea.. come on in." he says.
    "Hey Mario, I need my toothbrush and stuff. Where is it?" I say. Mario was laying in bed. You could tell he was exhausted. "In the front pocket of my luggage" he groaned in a deep voice. "Ok thanks" I say, still nervous. "Mario, you never introduced us to your sister" the twins both said at the same time. It's almost like they are the same person. "I'm too tired. Molly, introduce yourself please would you?" Mario says with his eyes shut. "Oh um I-I'm Molly." I say reaching out my hand. Wow I'm so awkward. "Hi I'm Julian" says one of them while shaking my hand. "I'm Jovani" says the other. "N-Nice to meet you." I say while I awkwardly exited the room. "Yea you too." the twins say at the same time.

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