Ch. 3 The First Show

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My mom wakes me up the next day. "Molly, Molly, Molly wake up!" she says. "You need to begin getting ready for the show!" I slowly roll out of bed and begin getting ready. I have no idea what this show is gonna be like or how they work. Even though I'm not apart of the show, I'm still nervous. Mostly for Mario.
Everyone is ready and we call an uber to drive us to the venue where the show will be held. Me and the four boys are all shoved in the back seat. I'm sitting between Julian and Jovani. They argued THE WHOLE RIDE THERE. Half of the time, I had no idea what they were even talking about. Soon, Mario and Jonas join in on the conversation and next thing you know, it's like a zoo in the back of the car. It was friendly arguments though. Nobody was upset or anything.
We arrive at the venue and I am told to wait backstage during the whole show, which keep in mind, is like two hours long not including the meet and greet which is like another two hours. Why was I dragged to another state just to sit alone for fours hours every other day.
It was about half way through the show when one of the twins came backstage and sat next to me. "I'm sorry, which one are you?" I say in a giggly voice. "Julian." he says laughing. "Don't worry, happens all the time. So, why did you even come on tour with us if you just sit backstage alone?" "It wasn't up to me." I say. "You know, you should join the POMS team." he says with a big smile. "What is that?" I say. "You flew all the way here for the tour and you don't even know what it's called?" I sit there nodding my head. "This tour is called POMS. It stands for Part Of My Story." "Oh that's cool." I say, trying to act like I care. "I'll ask our manager. Is it something you'd be interested in?" he says. "What all do you guys do? You know, on stage and stuff." I ask. "We have certain dances that we were taught, we play games with fans, and me and Jovani preform our song. After that we meet all of our supporters. We takes pics with them and what not." "Yea, sounds pretty fun." I say. "Cool." Julian says as he gets up and leaves. I can't stop thinking about how cool being on tour would be.
The show is finally over and everyone is tired in hungry. We call an uber and go to dinner. We arrive at the restaurant and we sit down. "So, I heard you may be joining the tour?" says Jonas. "I don't know.. Probably not. It was Julian's idea." I respond. "Well it sounds like a pretty good idea to me." says Mario. "You would love it sis. It's so much fun." "I don't know." I say again. This dinner is pretty awkward and I just want to go bed and think this through in the morning.

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