Be Careful What You Wish For (Hiro & Tadashi)

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A/N: Hello readers! Here's a sad one-shot written by my good friend, littlechimichanga! TYSM!!!

Four years ago

"I HATE YOU!" screamed Hiro at Tadashi, hurling one of his little toys at him. Tadashi flinched back, his eyebrows knitted together, his face full of sadness. But Hiro didn't care.

"I TOLD YOU NEVER TO TOUCH MY STUFF!" Hiro yelled at Tadashi again. "AND YOU DID."

Hiro might have been way smaller than Tadashi, but he knew that his big brother would never hurt him.

"I'm-I'm so sorry, Hiro," stammered Tadashi.

"I DON'T CARE!" yelled Hiro once more, shoving the room divider closed, right in Tadashi's face.

Hiro sat down roughly on his chair and tore out his journal from his bookshelf. He angrily flipped to an open page. With tears of anger streaming out of his eyes and his while body shaking in rage, he took a deep breath and brought his pen down on the paper.

Present day

Hiro stood numbly in Tadashi's room. He had just came back from the memorial, and he felt strangely sad and empty inside. Baymax wasn't around, and he didn't want him to be. He needed some time alone.

He went back into the room which he shared with his now deceased brother. He dragged himself in and he sat down on his chair. He looked around, and noticed a small notebook on his bookshelf. His old journal.

He'd forgotten that it had been there, and he hadn't written anything in what felt like a bajillion years. He decided he was going to leave it like that, just keep it the way things were back when. . .

Back when Tadashi was still here.

Hiro gently took the book out and dusted it lightly with his palm. He gingerly opened it and flipped it to the last entry.


I can't take it anymore. Why does Tadashi have to always pry through my stuff? Even when I tell him no, he does it. I'm so angry now, I'm literally shaking.

Sometimes I wish he was just gone. Yes, I know, 'be careful what you wish for', this that nonsense. It's not like anything's gonna happen anyways.

That's all I can write now. I think I'm gonna go have a nap. Maybe that could calm me down.

I really hate him.

Hiro stared at the entry, as tears welled up in his eyes. He threw the book on the ground and sunk to the floor.

"Tadashi. . ." whispered Hiro through his hands, tears choking him.

"I miss you."

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