The Visit to the Lucky Cat Café [Older Hiro X Reader]

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It was a cold, rainy day in San Fransokyo, rain falling and thunder crackling. You walked down the street, clutching your coat and umbrella close. You spotted a bright light across the street, a little café in the corner. You didn't hesitate to make your way there. You needed a nice place to just chill--not to mention shelter, too.

You walked across, glancing left and right to see if there were any cars. When the road was clear, you continued your way across, boots splashing in muddy water puddles.

You stood in front of the café and read the sign which said 'Lucky Cat Café'. Seemed like a cosy place. You pushed the door open as the sound of bells jingling rang in your ears. You dried your umbrella a little before setting it into the provided umbrella holder.

"Hi, sweety! What can I get for you?" The cheerful café owner spoke behind the counter.

"Oh, hi. I would like a cup of (F/B) please." You said simply. You didn't want to really trouble the café owner since the place was pretty busy.

"Is that all?" The woman spoke again as you nodded your head. "Okay, your beverage will be served in a minute."

You paid her as she attended to her other customers. You made your way to an empty table in the corner. You sighed as you slid into the seat, looking out the window.

Getting bored in an instant, you decided to take out your robotics book from your bag. You had just graduated high school not too long ago and you plan to find a college that was mostly based on your major subject: robotics.

You flipped the book open, going through many different prototypes and models. You were quickly absorbed in the book until a voice spoke up.

"Um, miss? Here's your (F/B)." The male voice spoke. You looked up to see a boy, your age with brown eyes and a mop of messy, black hair on his head.

"Thanks." You muttered as he set the cup of (F/B) on the table. Instead of walking off, you noticed that he took a little peek of what you were reading.

"Hey, you're a robotics major too?" He asked, his expression instantly brightening up.

"Oh. No, not really. I'm not in college yet." You said flashing him a smile. "Though, I'm looking for one."

"Gimme a sec." He said as he sprinted up the steps of the café, leaving you clueless.

"Maybe he lives here." You thought as you continued reading your book. In a split second, the raven-haired teen came back down, slid in the seat opposite you and handed you a bright-coloured brochure.

"The San Fransokyo Institute of Technology?" You said as you gladly took the brochure from him, reading it out loud. "SFIT Showcase. . ."

"Yup. The school has a robotics student showcase every year." He said with a bright smile on his face. "You create something that blows the judges away, you're in."

"It sounds like a pretty neat place. Oh, by the way, I didn't get your name." You asked the boy.

"I'm Hiro. Hiro Hamada. You?"

"(Y/N) (L/N)."

"So (Y/N), what do ya' say?" Hiro asked, eyes shining.

"I'll think about it. So Hiro," You said, copying his tone. "You go there too?"

"Yeah, sure do. But, bummer, I'll be graduating soon." Hiro told you as he gingerly ruffled his own hair.


"Yeah, I'll be graduating when I turn 18 next year." He said.

"Huh. You're the same age as me then." You smiled, glad that you had finally met someone your age who can actually help you find a place to further your studies. "But how?"

"Uh, heh, where do I begin? I was kinda a kid prodigy when I was younger." He began, glancing up at your (E/C) eyes from time to time. "I followed my brother's footsteps and I got into the SFIT when I was 14."

He continued telling his story, about how he impressed the judges at the SFIT, how his deceased brother, Tadashi, built Baymax and his adventures with the Big Hero 6.

You and Hiro talked all evening. He gladly showed you around the little café and his home upstairs. He even introduced you to his Aunt Cass, who was the lovely woman at the counter.

"Hey, Hiro?" You said as Hiro turned around and replied with a 'hm?'.

"Y'know, all this convincing, maybe. . ." You trailed off, a smirk forming on your lips. "Ugh, who am I kidding? I have to go to this school!

"T-That's great! I-I could show you around and you could meet my friends!" Hiro stuttered in happiness as both of you started laughing at his goofiness.

You started working on your robot prototypes and blueprints for the SFIT with Hiro's help since you still had time before you headed home. Hiro led you to his garage and both of you started working and discussing different techniques and parts for your project.

"Well, it's getting late." You said standing up, sighing. It had been an hour since you started. "I'd better get going before mum gets worried."

"Okay." Hiro replied, stretching in his chair.

Both of you went back up the stairs to the café. Aunt Cass packed you a warm pastry for dessert later. You thanked her as Hiro turned to you.

"Hey, here's my phone number, you could give me a call if you need any help." Hiro said sheepishly as he handed you a small piece of paper with his number written on it.

You smiled at his as both of you exchanged numbers.

"Thanks a lot, Hiro. For everything." You thanked him as you spotted pink tinting his cheeks.

"Uh, y-you're welc-" You cut him off by gently placing a kiss on his cheek. His eyes widened as he turned crimson red.

You giggled at him slighty as you feel your face growing hot too.

"Well, I have to go then." You said, shakily, as your eyes met his gaze.

"O-Okay, see ya'." Hiro said, obviously lost for words. You hugged him and made your way outside, waving as you continued your way home.

"Aww, my little boy's all grown up!" To Hiro's surprise, Aunt Cass was standing there all along.

"A-Aunt Cass!" Hiro stuttered, his facing growing redder and redder in embarassment. Aunt Cass chuckled to herself as Hiro made his way back upstairs.

Little did you know, he couldn't wait for your next visit to the Lucky Cat Café.

update a/n (9th jan) : hohohoho first off, happy new year ! 2nd, i changed the crappy old cover to a snazzy new one ! hope it looks better :) and ive got a new idea for the next oneshot ! stay tuned materinos

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