Saudade- part 1 [olderhiroxreader]

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Hoho hello

(wow is this a miracle i'm finally updating early and my eyeballs are sore oW)

Somehow it would be Christmas in this one

oh jeez its not even May yet

Oh well. Here are more keys for you:

(C/N) - City name
(F/D) - Favourite drink
(F/C) - Favourite colour (u probably know this one)

If your choice of country is a blazing hot country like mine, well, you have to use your imagination again.

Also, this is a double-shot. There would be two parts to this. (wow much surprise there woo)

ok the author is blabbering too much. Read on!

(if ur wondering what the title means, feel free to google it)

5 years ago

"So, you're really gonna leave today, huh?" A certain raven-haired boy asked, his voice ingulfed in sadness.

You let out a long sigh as you ran your fingers through your (H/C) hair. "Yeah."

You were sat on his bed, taking in your surroundings. You didn't want to leave San Fransokyo. You didn't want to leave Hiro and Tadashi. Your father had just got a good job offer in (C/N) so you had no choice to move there with your mom.

But today, the day that you we're leaving everything behind, you paid the Hamada family a visit. You wanted to see them one last time.

The two of you were in the room, the air thick in the surroundings. You could feel the sadness in the air. Hiro was sitting on his swivel chair, fiddling with his zipper on his hoodie.

"Hiro?" You called his as he perked up.

He lifted his head. "Yeah?"

You suddenly stood up, grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him into a hug. His eyes widened as he didn't hesitate to hug back.

"I'm going to miss you so much." You said, tears pricking your eyes. You were going to miss his dorky personality and to be honest, the hugs he gives.

You could feel Hiro hug you tighter as you took in his familiar scent. "Me too."

"(Y/N), your mom's calling for you. Time to leave." Recognizing that voice, you looked up at Tadashi who was now at the doorway of their room. You released your arms from Hiro, both of your cheeks dusted pink.

Tadashi had symphathic look in his eyes, not to mention a hint of sadness too. "C'mere."

You dashed towards Tadashi's open arms and hugged him tightly. He hugged back as he ruffled your hair. "Gonna miss ya, kid."

"Me too, 'Dashi." You were really close with the Hamada brothers. And you really couldn't bare to leave them here. You removed your arms from Tadashi, tears threatened to spill out from your eyes.

"Aw, c'mon, don't cry." Tadashi said, his thumb wiping away your tears. "Surely we'll meet again soon."

You sniffed as you rubbed your eyes. "Really?"

"Really." Hiro piped up, giving you a sad smile."We promise."

Present day

You laid against the bedrest with your laptop on your lap, your face deep in thought. Things have changed quite a lot recently.

You were still in (C/N), but in your own house. You were glad to finally move out from your old home, but somehow, you felt strangely empty inside. Nonetheless, you ended up in a great college where you studied your prefered subjects.

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