Unusual Confession

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Hola its been quite a while

i apologize ehehe bc exams + procrastination theyre the worst things honestly

and older hiro above is so darn adorable creds to the artist

Also, i started a new story! It's a Haruka Nanase x reader (anime related) my life has been ruined by this anime (and this boi) kms

Go check it out - 25 steps to win the water boy [Free!HaruXreader]


here's a fluffy oneshot to tangle up your insides (or it could make u cringe idk either way)

You and Hiro are about 16/17 here :)

oh well bai enjoy :>

"Ughh, there's nothing to do today!" You groaned, falling back onto Hiro's soft bed.

Hiro had called you over today again with no exact reason.

"Exactly why I called you here," He shrugged as you shot him a questioning look.

You raised a brow. "So you called me over just because you were bored?"

"Yup," Hiro grinned triumphantly as he stood over the bed, looking at you. He wasn't exactly being honest here, he had to...tell you a few things.

"As if you don't have any friends except me..." You muttered softly, him hearing it anyway as you giggled afterwards.

"Oh, c'mon," Hiro plopped beside you at the edge of the bed. "Honey Lemon and the others, they're probably...um...busy."

"It's a holiday, Hiro."

Hiro gave you a weird look, as if he was trying to think of something. "T-They could be doing something else, like family time?"

Hiro laughed nervously as he ruffled his own hair, hoping you'd fall for his excuse.

"Dork," You sat up and nudged his shoulder a little.

You had been friends with Hiro for quite a long time now. You couldn't even remember since when. Let's just say, after all those years, your 16-year-old self might have developed feelings for him.

Though, you two have been so close even since and you liked it that way.

"So what exactly are we going to to today?" You asked, an arm supportimg you while you sat on his bed.

"Hm," He put a finger on his chin. "How about robot-"

"No," You cut him off as he bursted out in laugher.

Hiro continued to talk through his laughs. "I'm kidding!"

You playfully slapped his arm as you joined in with his laughter. Both of you couldn't stop laughing, mainly because you were laughing at each other laughing.

Makes sense?

The laugher died down as you wiped your eyes, catching your breath. Hiro did the same thing, breathing in deeply as if he wanted to tell you something.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" He called as you turned you attention towards him.

"Yes Hiro?"

"Can I...ask you a question?" He asked, scratching his head a little.

"Yeah, sure," You nodded as you swore you could've saw a faint blush on his cheeks.

"Can I...kiss you?"

You blinked in confusion. "W-What? Sorry, c-could you repeat that?" You asked nervously, thinking that you might've heard it wrongly. But, boy, you were wrong.

"I asked if...I could kiss you," Hiro replied, looking away in embarrassement with pink tinting his cheeks.

"Uh, as practice! For someone that I've liked recently." He added frantically, flashing you a nervous grin.

Your face reddened immediately. You couldn't imagine Hiro asking you such a question. And for someone that he liked? Upon hearing that, your heart shattered into pieces. He had already liked a girl?

"Um...for practice? I-I guess that's fine..?" You said in more of a questioning tone, your face still feeling hot.

"So it's fine?" Hiro asked, unsure of your desision. He was afraid that he'd hurt your feelings, but he had come up with a plan afterwards.

You nodded slowly, questioning yourself if you picked the correct desision.

Hiro faced you, still sitting on the bed. You shut your eyes, your heart rate increase due to him shifting closer to you. Thank god Baymax wasn't here or it'll be even more awkward than it was right now.

You could feel his warmth and presence near you as you felt warm lips on yours. It lingered for a while, but then Hiro pulled away afterwards.

Hiro opened his eyes to look at you being all flustered, your eyes averting his and your face flushed with red. It was a great sight, to his opinion.

"Was it okay?"

"It...wasn't," You lied. Your stomach started flipping when he kissed you, and you'd be lying if you said you didn't like it.

"Let's try again then," Before you could react, Hiro had already planted his lips on yours. This time, it had more movement and it lingered for a longer time. He pulled away.


"Again," You breathed out as he smiled, kissing you once more. You kissed back, catching Hiro's attention. It was longer this time as he parted to catch his breath.

"Again," You caught your own breath as his lips connected with yours again, you kissing back too. You could feel him cupping your cheek as your heart sped up. You couldn't believe that you were actually kissing your long time crush.

But with no feelings whatsoever, so you thought.

After that small frenzy of kisses, you and Hiro pulled away, both your faces feeling hot and flushed.

"I think we got it right..." Hiro chuckled softly as you sat there, unsure of what to do next.

You ruffled your own hair in embarrassment. "Who's so special enough to make you practice kissing on me?"

Hiro laughed nervously. "Uh, well, you see..."

"Who is it?" You said, seriousness lacing your voice.

"W-Well, this girl named (Y/N) (L/N)-"

"Are you serious?!" You half shouted, your face heating up again. You could hear Hiro laughing beside you, his face reddening too. "You sneaky little-"

You tackled him onto the bed, both of you ending up in fits of laughter. You looked down at him, seeing a slight blush on his cheeks.

"(Y/N), really, I like you," Hiro smiled at you, heat creeping up your neck. "And that person I mentioned earlier, I was kinda talking about you, so I hope you're not mad or-"

You shushed him by placing a gentle kiss on his cheek, Hiro being in a stuttering mess afterwards. Your heart was beating rapidly, your crush actually liked you back.

"I like you too, dork," You said, sitting up, getting back to your original position. "But seriously, you could've just told me."

Hiro sat up too. "Nah, I thought it'd be better this way."

"Smooth Hamada, smooth," You laughed, placing another kiss on his cheekbone.

"So...you'll go out with me?" Hiro asked, his eyes lighting up, awaiting your answer although he already guess it.

"Hm...I'll think about it," You teased, earning a whine from him. You laughed again as Hiro fake pouted at you.

"Fine, fine. I'll go out with you," Hiro cheered as he snuggled by your side. You were starting to love his childish side.

Hiro chucked at his own childish behaviour as he muzzled into your neck. "Love you."

"I love you too."

Smol a/n: I just realised, thank you so
much for 1k views eeeeeeeee honestly i didn't expect this book to get far but tysm!! 💕

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