Chapter 8

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Your POV 

I ran in the front of the pasta herd. I smiled as I reached the door. I leaned back and kicked in the door. I stepped in and looked around bringing my knives out of my boots. "ZALGO," I said. I saw him appear in front of me. I looked at him. "Where are my children?" I asked. He chuckled lowly. I glared at him and growled a little. "Search for them," I said slightly turning to the group. Zalgo let them run past before looking at me. "Now now (y/n)...I gave you a choice to stay with me or go with that pathetic slender freak," he said. I had heard enough.

 I punched him and he reeled back. "That so called pathetic slender freak is my husband jackass," I said. He looked at me after wiping his lip. "What poor taste you have," he said and took his stance. "What poor judgement you have," I said before running at him. He moved a little and kicked me to the wall before walking over and grabbing my hair. I smirked and he rose a brow. "Where is that husband of yours now?" he asked. 

I looked at him and smiled. I saw tentacles appear behind him and grab him. He was pulled away from  me and I stood and walked over to him. "Funny thing about marriage....You see...Most people would  say "Death do us part"...But you see...Death would never do us part...Because he has eternal life and well...I will never get myself killed...So I guess you could say that it would be Murder will be forever together..." I said. I looked at Slender and gave a slight nod. 

He nodded and ripped Zalgo apart. He bent down and I walked over. I kissed his cheek and we walked off to find our Son and daughter. I found Jeff with Toby and they were looking at a monitor. "What are you two doing?" I asked. They turned around and I saw what was on the monitor. I ran up to them and smiled. "Sebastian..." I said. Slender put a hand on my shoulder and I smiled. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "Let's get him," I said. I ran into the room that he was in and he sat up and looked at me. He grew quickly. 

He smiled and I ran over. "Sebastian.," I said. He jumped on my and I heard him say something. "What?" I asked. He smiled and Slender stepped in. "Mommy, Daddy," he said. I smiled and Slender came over. I gave Sebastian to Slender and walked over to Jeff and Toby. "Well, they can talk and are about the size of a small toddler," I said. Jeff nodded and Toby smiled. "Where is Elizabeth?" I asked. They shrugged and I felt Masky enter my mind. "(y/n) we found Elizabeth any luck with Sebastian?" he asked I smiled. "Yea we just found him," I said. 

He let out a relieved sigh knowing he wasn't going to be hounded. "Where are you?" I asked. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned and saw Masky. "Behind you," he said. I looked in his arms and he had Elizabeth. I smiled and she nearly jumped over to me. "Mommy!" she said. I smiled and hugged her and let more tears fall. I felt someone tug on my pant leg. I looked down to see Sebastian. "Elizabeth!" he said. I put her down and they hugged. 

I smiled and grabbed their hands. "Let's go home," I said. They nodded and I saw Slender pick us up. He hugged us and let out a small sigh. "I'm so glad you two were alright," he said. They smiled wide. "us too Daddy," they said. I smiled and kissed their foreheads. They sat in my lap and I held them close. I didn't want to let them go again. Slender carried us home while they fell asleep on my lap. I smiled and felt more tears fall. "Dear you can stop crying," he said. I looked at him and sighed wiping my face. "I'm just happy they're safe," I said. He nodded and kissed my forehead. I could just begin to see the mansion in my vision as I felt my eyelids get heavy and start to close. 

Child, It Is Alright (SEQUEL) (slenderman X reader) Where stories live. Discover now