Chapter 9

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Your POV

I woke up the next morning to an unfamiliar feeling. It felt as if I was being crawled on. I opened my (e/c) eyes to meet with the ones of my son and daughter. They smiled wide before attatching themselves to my neck. I sat up smiling. "Mommy Mommy," One started. "Daddy want's to see you." the other said. "He's in the kitchen." they said in unison. I smiled and nodded.

I stood and they jumped onto me. I grunted at the weight but smiled anyway. I carried them down the stairs. Sally ran up to them and smiled. "Wanna go play?" she asked. They smiled and hopped down running off to her room. "They get along well." I said. Slender came out and kissed me. "That's good is it not?" he asked. I chuckled and nodded. "I suppose so." I said. Jeff and Ben came into the kitchen and stopped and turned a the same shade of red on Ben's eyes. I looked at them a brow rose.

"What are you two staring at?" I asked. They looked away and down. "Your...uh..pajamas." Jeff said. I looked down and sighed. "Well shut up and keep your eyes in your head." I said. They gave me a salute and ran off. I sighed and looked to the stove. "Oooohhh French Toast." I said. Slender let out a deep chuckle. "Yes, and the bacon is in the freezer, can you get them?" he asked. I nodded and grabbed them.

I walked back over to him putting the bacon into a pan and turning it on. I sighed and caught Slender looking at me. "What?" I asked. He looked away and sighed. "I think you should maybe go and get changed." he said. I looked at him then down and nodded. "Yeah maybe there are too many guys in this house." I said as I went up the stairs.

I got changed into a tight fitting black tank top. I grabbed a pair of dark jeans and put them on along with my black belt. I grabbed my daggers and put them on as well. I walked over to my shoes and looked at them. "Do I want Converse or do I want to wear my combat boots?" I whispered lightly. "Combat boots." I said and grabbed them slipping them on.

I left the room to be trampled by Sally,Sebastian and Elizabeth. I sighed and sat up. "Hi Mommy." they said. I smiled and Slender appeard next to us. "You seem to be in a redicament dear." I said. "Yeah well....It's fine." I said I stood up and I grabbed the twins while Slender grabbed me and Sally. He teleported us to the kitchen. He sat us in our seats. The twins are already able to sit in a normal chair. Their imortal side makes them grow faster Soon they'll be my age.

I sighed and looked at Slender. He looked at me and Sebastian spoke up. "When do we get to be trained?" he asked. "Yeah Mommy I wanna be trained." Elizabeth said. I smiled and looked over to Slender. "Well we could after we eat...You are growing quickly." he said. I nodded and they smiled. "Can I help?" Sally asked. "That isn't up to me ask your Mother." Slender said. I sent a playful glare at Slender. He shrugged and looked away. "Yes you can." I said. THey smiled and quickly ate.

Before we knew it Slender and I were being dragged out of our chairs to train them. We stood in a field next to the mansion. "Ok now...We will see if you can transform." I said. They rose a brow. "Transform?" they asked. I nodded and looked at Slender. "Dear would you?" I asked. He gave a nod before his mouth ripped open and tentacles shot from his back. "Much like that." I said. Sebastian nodded and I smiled. HE stood from his sisters and I watched as he grew and tentacles shot from his back. His face remained along with his hair.

I looked at Elizabeth. She seemed to be having a bit of trouble. "Hey Slender can you come here?" I asked. He gave a nod and walked over to us. Sebastian was playing with his tentacles. I chuckled and looked at Elizabeth. "Lizzie dear...are you alright?" I asked. SHe looked at me and frowned. "I can't change like Sebby." She said. I looked at Slender. "Is it because of her human side?" I asked him. He gave a nod and I stood. "Well we never did find my powers did we?" I asked. He shook his head and I smirked. "Wanna see if we can?" I asked. They nodded. Sebastian went back to his normal state.

I stood back and looked at my hands. I sighed and closed my eyes. I felt my hair catch on fire along with my palms. I looked at my hands and smiled. I had (f/c) on my hands along with in my hair. I smiled and shot fire balls. (WE ARE FIRE BENDERS XD) I snuffed them out and smiled. I snapped my fingers and the fire went out. "Now Lizzie can you do that?" I asked. She nodded and did the same. The fire was a lighter version of mine. (so black is is pink...purple would be a lavender or on)

I smiled as she snuffed them out. "Now since you two are part human and part 'monster' like yor father likes to call him self. YOu both are the strongest pastas to ever exist. Next to me and Daddy. Now both of you to train will have to fight each other...But you won't get to hurt because we have a doctor." I said. They nodded and I smiled. Slender knealed by me. "Do you want to fight with me for old times sake?" he asked. I smiled and nodded. "Sure why not." I said. I grabbed my daggers and smiled.

He went to his full form and I decided to light myself on fire. Instead of my hands catching on fire my dagger blades did. I smirked and looked at Slender. He was transformed. I ran at him dodging his tentacles that he shot at me and cutting a few of them getting a hiss from him. I ran up one and to him. I jumed onto his neck and smiled. I kissed his forehead before he threw me off. I landed with a roll on the ground. I stood quickly and dodges a tentacle that smashed into the ground.

"Don't go easy on your waifu." I said. He let out a deep chuckle. I shivered slightly. "Fine then dear" he said. I smirked and watched as he teleported. I looked behind me and was picked up. I dropped my daggers and snuffed out my hair. I put my hands on whatever picked me up. I smirked and lit my hands and lit whatever picked me up on fire. I was dropped and I turned to see Slender's tentacles on fire. He growled and looked at me. "That wasn't a fair move." he said. I chuckled and sighed. "Well don't pick me up like that next time." I said and ran at him and jumed to his shoulders. "Unless we're in the bedroom" I said. I heard him gasp lightly and swipe at me.

I smirked and ran over to the kids. "Now both of you fight like your Father and I did." I siad. THey nodded and fought the same way we did. I smirked and Slender walked over to me. "You are so going to get it later dear." he said befoe licking my neck. We watchd the kids fight until it was time for dinner.

IT's getting hot in take of all your clothes..XD....I don't know don't ask..sorry for not updating but here ya go...Trendycupcakeslover out.

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