As he did I knew that he had noticed my eyes .with the long period of silence I knew he was string right at them. I told him that I was just tired he had believed me. After such a long time being friends. He believed my every word. I did not want him to see my cane so I hid it behind my coat. I struggled to the couch he asked me "nick I've been your friend for over twenty eight years. I know you, what's wrong" "nothing my legs are just tired",. I said in a very convincing voice. As I changed the subject. I said "how you been lately" as he acted like he had not even heard the question. I had known that he had known "john" my father. I tried to fight the tears but a few came. I struggled to my coat. I got my cane from behind my coat. walked back over and sat down left of him with saying nothing at all. He broke the long silence with a long talk about how it happened and what might happen. As we said good bye he offered my help as I turned it down. I was sad so I decided to go to the tunnel as we got there it was about noon we walked in as the light faded and the darkness surrounded us my eyes felt so good as I got to my favorite spot I sat down staring in the darkness as I was staring blankly into the dark ness I say a shape move then as it got clearer it was Yankee as his face meet mine a happiness came over him as we left the tunnel I was blind.