Pink Hairs

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Perrie P.O.V

I walked into the huge building greeting the security and staff. I can feel the boys checking me out and girls throwing daggers on me. Well all thanks to my best friends for changing my wardrobe. I am not nervous to face Zayn again. I had cried enough but not anymore. I am strong girl and I will prove that to him and everyone.

I walked into the elevator. Thanks to the one who created it I cant even imagine climbing 20 floor all by myself. My office is on the same floor as Zayn.

Perrie focus... I mentally scolded myself and walked out of the elevator ofcourse when it came to an halt. I walked fast towards my cabin because I dont want to see Zayn. But a part of my was dying to have a glimpse of him.

Get a Grip you stupid heart. Stop making me feel like hormonal teenage girl.

I let out a breath I dont know I was holding when I reached safely into my cabin. I looked around everything was the same as I left but It was clean. I think someone used to clean my office in my absence its not like that I have any problem with it.

I sat on my chair and closed my eyes. I had came earlier today because I dont want to come late and let people think that I am not capable of my job. Already I had made 98% of the girls population my enemy. I dont want to give them chance to speak against me or my capability.

My thoughts were interupted by a knock on my cabin door. I muttered come in after composing myself back.

"Hey Ms. Perrie" lily came in with her signature smile plastered on her face. I love this girl.

"Hi Lily, Whats up..???" I asked her while entering password in my laptop. Yes I have password in my office laptop because I dont want anyone to take the important information related to our company. You cant trust anyone when it comes to your job.

"Nothing. I am here to inform you that Mr. Malik is calling you with the red file in your right drawer." She said smiling and doing some weird actions with her hands. Which she does when she try hard to remember something.

I laughed at her actions "Tell him I will be there in minute or so." She smiled sheepishly and walked out.

Here come the thing I was trying my best not to face. Meeting Zayn Malik. This is impossible to ignore him because I am his Personal Secretary for yelling out loud.

I took my own good time to open the right drawer take out the red file drank some water. After wasting good ten minutes I walked out of the room slowly. After taking some deep breaths I knocked on his office door.

No answer great I am not dying to see him to be honest I AM...

I wanted to bang my head on the nearest wall but decided against it and knocked once again. This time the voice which is more like melody to my ears came from the another side of room. I closed my eyes to regain my strength after taking a deep breath I turned the knob and entered into his office.

I gasped when I saw him. He looked at my shocked face and raise an eyebrow. He was looking smokingly hot in white shirt paired with black pants. But the think caught my attention was his hairs.

He had dyed his hairs PINK...!!!! I mean that suits on him heck everything suits on him. He is the most handsome guy I had ever se....

Perrie stop drooling over him... I scolded myself second time in a day.

He had saw me eyeing him as a result he is smirking at me. Jerk

I smiled at him sweetly "Here is your red file Sir. Have a nice day." I turned around and walked out of his office. Take that Mr. Malik.

I heard him calling my name I turned around and smiled at him too sweetly "how can I help you Sir..???".

"Come in to my office Pezz." He said still smirking. I followed him quitely.

When we entered he locked the door and walked towards me I stepped back till they table blocked my way. Zayn was near me his minty breath was making me to loose control on myself.

"Look at me Pezz" he put his finger under my chin and make me look into his eyes which were shinning brightly with so much of love.

" are you doing Zayn..???" I asked him trying to control my drumming heart.

He put his fingers on my lips and shushed me. "How can you wear this types of cloths and expect me to stay away from you..??? You dont even know what you do to me Perrie." His voice made shiver ran down my spine. He looked at my lips I did the same. How badly I wanted to kiss those lips.

"This is wrong Zayn. You have a girl friend now." I regretted that words as they left my mouth Zayn pushed me and backed off. In that process I fall on the ground with the loud thud hitting my head on the table.

"Ouch" the pain was unbareable I tried to look but my vision started to become blurry. I heard Zayn calling my name he ran towards me and hugged me I tried to tell him that I am fine but nothing came out of my mouth. Soon everthing went blank like my life.

So I updated...thanks guys for baring wid me....In shaa Allah I will update soon...please vote...comment and you all my lovely readers...

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