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Perrie P.O.V

We reached at the nearest restraunt with 4 secuirity gaurds trailing behind us. This restraunt was not some fancy one which I was glad for. I am not wearing some classy fancy restraunt type dress so I am happy with his choice of restraunt.

We safely reached our destination unlike last time. Zayn was trying to make conversation here and there but I was in no mood to have a chit chat with him.

So I was either ignoring him or answering him curtly. Bitchy I know, but what he did with me was also not good.

The waitress greet us and took us to our table in the middle of the whole room.

I glared at Zayn when I saw where the table was located. He just shrugged it off like he dont know anything..!!

May be he had forgotten...

My conciousness reminded me. He pulled out a chair for me. I muttered a thanks and sat on the chair feeling nervous.

All the eyes were on us. Zayn being famous doesnt helped the situation at all.

"Hi my name is Emily. Do you wanna order something now..??" She asked politely with a genuine smile on her face. But she was beaming at Zayn.

"Just water for now" Zayn replied curtly and shooed the waitress off. I felt bad for her.

"So..." he trailed off.

"What..??!!" I snapped at him still annoyed.

"Come on Pezz stop being rude to me." He whined like a kid bringing the attention of more people towards us which made me more uncomfortable.

"Can we please sit somewhere else. Like that table on the corner please." I literally begged him with my eyes.

He smiled at me "Actually I had booked this table on purpose" I looked at him confused.

"You thought that I had forgotten about your little enochlophobia" he chuckled.

I gritted my teeth "If you had remebered it so well then why the hell you brought me here and booked the table which is in the middle of the whole restraunt" I hissed at him.

This enochlophobia thing started when I broke down in the middle of my performance. When people started sending me hate. Zayn knew about it because he was in touch with girls. I am little bit of scared being in the centre. Specially with the strangers.

"Calm down pezz please." He took my hand in his. I was so nervous to even pull my hand away from him.

"I had brought you here to help you to fight your phobia. It all started because of me and I promise to help you to get rid of it." He squeezed my hand.

I shut my eyes close and took some deep breaths. No one can harm me. I am not that girl anymore.

I keep chanting those words in my mind again and again. It truly helped me to relax abit.

I opened my eyes "thanks Zayn I owe you one" I smiled at him genuinly feeling better than before.

"You dont owe me anything Perrie" our eyes locked for a moment until the waitress decide to break us apart. We not literally. We ordered our food. The whole lunch went in silence except some fans of Zayn taking selfie with him.

"I think we should leave now its kinda late and I have to say goodbye to... umm.. you know gigi is here in Paris right." My stomach dropped at the mention of her name.

I forced a smile "I understand. This is our last day and... and you have to meet Gigi thats ok." I inhaled deeply.

"Lets go. I too wanna pack my stuff." I smiled at him. He smiled back nervously.

The ride back to hotel was silent. We reached hotel in 15 minutes which felt like 15 years.

"Thanks for today." I smiled at Zayn trying hard not to cry. I ran upstairs towards the elevator not waiting for his reply. Pressing the button of our floor.

"I cant cry... I wont cry..." I inhaled and exhaled to calm myself. This is fucked up... My life is fucked up...!!!

Sorry Sorry Sorry guys for not updating in a while... I am going through some shit...pray for me...I am stressed and all please bare with you all

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