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I came back home when Alex started to ring me. I dont want him to get worried so I came back home. I was drenched in rain. So I had to grab some new cloths and change into it before I came home. I didnt want Alex to know what I had discovered today.

He was waiting for me with the dinner which he had ordered today. I smiled at him as I walked in. He was looking so happy as he engulfed me in hug.

"Oh God Hottie Shortie you got me worried today." I had not felt anything at all. No butterflies nothing.

His hug had not even calmed me. I hugged him back ignoring all the negative feelings.

"Come on lets eat I am hungry." He lead me to the dinning area. He pulled out a chair for me like a gentleman he is before he made himself comfortable beside me. He served me the food.

He had ordered my favourite italian food. But I had lost the apptiete to eat. I was already trying to lose some pounds. He saw me and then at my plate which was sitting untouched.

"Why are you not eating.?? Is everything ok..??" He asked me concerned.

"No..Actually I am not feeling well." I lied to him but it was half lie I was feeling broken.

He checked my forehead. "Temperature is normal. I think you should take some rest baby." I nodded at him and made my way towards the bedroom.

I felt numb. Numb to this world. I filled the bath tub with warm water as i striped down from my cloths letting myself drown into the water I closed my eyes as the tear slipped my eyes.

"Perrie baby are you ok..?? Is their something bothering you..??" I heard Alex worried voice from the bathroom door.

I took my time. When I was sure that my voice will not broke I answered him "I am fine Alex. I am just tierd." I heard him say something but I ignored and let the warm water relax my nerves.

I walked out and changed into oversized tshirt and some shorts. I saw Alex sleeping peacefully on our bed.

As I layed beside him. I felt guilty for how I had behaved with him today. He really loves me and I cant even tell him those words back.

I moved closer to him as the sleep took over me. I had always heard you sleep better when you had cried. I think thats true.

"Zayn what are you doing here You should be in with your girlfriend." I said panicking.

"No just get in the car Perrie I dont wanna marry her I dont even love her." I gasped at his words.

"You cant just run away from your own wedding Zayn..!!" I tried to change his mind.

"Get in Perrie before they seperate us. Please. Just save me Perrie I dont wanna marry her." I heard footstep and then saw Gigi and Alex coming toward us followed by the people I never saw. I hopped into the car as Zayn droved off.

"Oh no Zayn they are after us.!!" I said afraid of getting caught.

"Jump out of the car Perrie..!!" Zayn yelled.

"What the hell are you saying..??!!" I didnt understand what was going on. All of a sudden a car crashed into us.

"ZAAAAYYYYYNNNNN..." I screamed. All I can see was the blood.

"Perrie..!!! Oh my God why are you crying... open your eyes please..!!" I opened my eyes to see worried Alex. I blinked my eyes as I gave him a confused look.

"What happened Perrie..?? You were crying in your sleep.." Oh shit.

"ZAYN..!!" I jumped up. Tears started to fall down again. "I need to know he is ok.. I saw a dream very bad one. Please Alex let me talk to him." I cried to him.

"Jesus calm down Perrie. It was just a dream." Alex tried to console me.

"No..!! I want to hear that from him. I want to know he is ok. He is not hurt. Just let me call him." I was shaking from anger and also because of that dream.

He passed my phone to me. My hands were shaky so it was hard for me to diall his number. After 5 attempt finally the call connected.

With every ring my heart beat picked the speed.

Finally he received the call. Or thats what I thought.

"Zayn where are you..?? Are you ok..?? Nothing bad happened to you na..?? Please tell me I am so worried..!!" I started rambling. But the voice that came from the other side was something I never wanted to hear.

"You dont have to worry about him babe. He is actually with me in my bed sleeping peacefully in my arms. Just learn some manners to not to disturb anyone at this time of night. By the way I am hoping to see you and your band at my wedding next week ok sunday. By darling have a good night." With that she hunged up. I was so shocked at the news. This was like the salt on my wound.

"What happened..??" Alex asked.

"He is getting married. She want me to perform at their wedding as I promised her." I muttered. Alex pulled me closer as I broke down in his arms. I just cried silently not even uttering a single word. It was all my fault after all. I had messed it all up in first place. I deserve it all. And I know somewhere that Alex will leave me too.

Next morning

I groaned as my head started to throb with pain. I looked around as their was no sign of Alex. He used to stay in bed untill I wake up. Last night came back into my mind.

"Oh no..!! Fuck..!!" I ran out of my room tripping several times on the way out.

"Alex..!!" I called but he was no where to be seen. I ran into the kitchen. I sighed with relieve as I saw him all dressed up having his breakfast. He nodded at me in acknowledgement. So unlike Alex. If it was some other day he would have hugged me the moment he saw me.

He finished his breakfast as he walked toward me. "I am going Perrie"

"Oh so you have some important meeting today..??" I asked him.

"No I am leaving you. We are over Perrie." I flinched at the tone he used.

"Why..?" I knew the answer but I wanted to hear it from him.

"Why.? You have the audacity to ask me that question..?? I tried my best to keep this relationship work. But No. Every single time that guy have to come between us. You dont even love me Perrie..!!" He looked so vulnerable.

"No its not like that Alex..!" I protested.

"So how it is like Perrie..?!! Even now you are not letting those words out of your mouth. In this whole relationship you had never said that you loved me. You never used that word for me Perrie." I was speechless. I know it was my fault. I looked down ashamed of what I did with him. Tears were my bestfriend always being their with me falling down my cheeks.

"I can see through you Perrie Edwards that how much you love that guy. You still love Zayn." With that said he left me. He left me too.

And this time also it was my fault...

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