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Hehehe Yes guys its an update..!! And really very special one..for my special u guys alot...:*


Jesy called me and told me to pick her up on the way to Pezz apartment. Anne was on a date with her boyfriend so she will directly join us at Pezz apartment.

Today Perrie called me and told me about Alex and her date with him. We dont wanna miss out any detail so we decided to crash at her apartment with the help of spare key she keeps under the shoe case situated outside her door.

"Hey Jesy come'on in" I said as I saw Jesy standing near the bus stand tapping her foot impatiently waiting for me.

"You are a slow driver..!!" She stated as she buckled her seatbelt.

"Hello to you to baby..!!" I replied sarcastically.

"I am so excited...!!! Atlast our Perrie wrinkle took a step forward to move on..!!" Jesy squealed ignoring my sarcastic comment.

"Yeah mee too. I just hope Alex is not a jerk like Zayn.." I said. I am actually getting bad vibes from the whole meeting Alex thing. I am happy that Pezz is trying to move on but I just hope that she will not be heart broken in the end.

"Be positive Jady Jay..!!" The rest of the ride was filled with Jesy blabbering about Maybe what Perrie and Alex are doing. I just hope our Perrie wrinkle is fine.

We reached her apartment and opened the door the sweet smell greeted us as we entered.

"Wow roses..!!" Jesy hopped on the sofa admiring the roses. I guess Alex had brought them for Perrie.

"Look how cute Alex is he brought a bouquet of roses for Pezz. How romantic." Jesy stated in a dreamy tone. Sometimes she behave like a teenager.

I went into the kitchen turning the lights on. Grabbing a water bottle from the fridge I went towards the dining. Pouring some water for myself into the glass. I sat on the barstool and gulped the cold liquid down.

"Jesy, do you want some water..??" I heard a faint no. So I put the bottle to its respective place. I heard the knock on the door.

"Jade please check on the door...!!" Jesy can be such a lazy bean bag sometimes. I glared at her as I walked past her. She was sitting on sofa doing something on her phone. May be chatting with her fiance.

I heard some commotion as I walked toward the door. Wondering who can it be I opened the door a little and peaked outside.

To my surprise it was fuming Anne. But the thing shocked me was the person standing beside her with the worried look on his face.

"Zayn..??" I looked at him confused shocked at the sametime.

"Yeah and I am alien. Nice to meet you Jady Jade..!! Now say this guy to get lost before I punch him in the face..!!" Anne said and walked inside leaving me with Zayn.

"So...?? Why are you here..??" I asked him after a minute of silence.

"I wanna see Perrie..!! Where is she..??" Yeah he never stuttered no matter how tensed is he. Thats the Zayn bradford badboy.

"Why do you care..??" I asked him. Ofcourse for whatever he did with my friend I can never be polite with him again.

"Look Jade I dont have time for your questions or Sass. All I care is about Perrie where is she..?? She is not even picking up any of my call..!!" He stated worry and anger evident on his face.

"She is on date with Alex. Now you can go..!!" He closed his eyes than opened it again.

"She shouldn't have gone out with him. How can she..??" He muttered more to himself but loud enough for me to hear and tick me off.

"HOW CAN SHE hunh..?? HOW CAN YOU ZAYN..!! HOW CAN YOU CHEAT ON HER WITH THE COLLEGE SLUT...!! HOW CAN YOU HAVE ONE NIGHT STANDS..!! HOW CAN YOU GET ENGAGED TO GIGI HADID..!! If you can do all this than I dont think you have any right on our Perrie...!!!" Till now Jesy and Anne were standing beside me. Zayn looked terrified and hurt.

"I had never cheated on her why dont you guys understand..!!" He pleaded like hell we gonna trust him.

"Look Zayn we dont care do whatever you want but dont interfere in our Perrie Wrinkle's life. Today she took the first step to move on you cant ruin it..!!" Jesy said.

Anne continued "You had already took her career away. Her happiness away. Do you know how helpless was she when her dad was first diagnosed with heart attack. They needed money but our career went downhill. She had no money no job..!!"

"We tried to help her but as you know she dont like to be pitied. She searched for the job than your uncle gired her as his P.A. he helped her with her father condition. He paid the bills of the hospital without Perrie noticing..!!" Anne was breathless.

"Our career went downhill because of you Zayn..!! We can forgive you for what you did to us.. but we can never forgive you for what you did with our Perrie Wrinkle. Stay away from her Zayn. Let her live her life for once..!!" I finished and slammed the door shut. I know it was rude but he deserve it.

I wish Perrie to be happy with Alex. Alex loves her.

But I know deep down She is Unknowingly His.

From UNKNOWINGLY HIS she meant Zayn not Alex...!! I hope you guys like this one.. Zayn is not that bad..!!

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