Chapter 5

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Alice's pov

I woke up to a loud scream from Mrs dolan ah I mean Lisa "school kids" . I weakly got up and done everything a girl needs to do to get ready brushing my hair , teeth and wearing clothes I thought would be good for today , as I was about to make my way down the stairs I tripped on the edge of a carpet "clumsy" I heard and saw no other than Grayson him self passing me as if I was dirt on the floor that's the way he looked at me anyway. I got up and got rid of the dirt on my jumper and acted as if nothing happened and made my way to the kitchen were everyone was giving me dirty looks expect Cameron , Lisa and my mom  which brightened my day a little more because At least not everything thinks of me so low.

"Grayson why don't you give Alice a ride" Lisa spoke making everyone look up at her as she stopped the awkward silence we had going on for a while actually  "no" Grayson said quickly not saying anything else like he's already bored of the conversation which hasn't even started yet , "Grayson I'm your mother you will do as I say" she yelled furious making everyone at the table fear her since she is queen bee after all, "em it's okay Lisa I'll take my car" I said quietly since I didn't want Grayson to hate me even more than he already does . "as you wish dear".
"Your WHAT?" Chloe shouted gaining everyone  in the halls attention "shut up cloe I don't think he wants people knowing that"

"what do you mean?"

"He hates me cloe you didn't see how he was when I first came and even today he doesn't like me a bit and I don't even know why" I squeaked finally revealing my self to the dark truth I didn't want to listen to.

"ali I-I" she said softly taking pity on me.

"Let's not speak anymore about this please just don't tell anyone"

"you have my word"


"Kids are you excited" Lisa shouted clearly happy about something we didn't know about while we were all having dinner. "about what" ethan spoke for  the first time since I came here wow so that's what he sounds like. Ethan's not really popular in my school but everyone knows him since he's Grayson's brother but people still look up to him I mean he's everything I'm not sporty and smart.

"Rehearsals for Cameron's wedding are tomorrow" Lisa clapped her hands quickly happier than most of us since ethan just groaned , Grayson banged his head on the table a little harder than expected which made me laugh a little because he obviously doesn't want to be seen in front of his whole family with I just nodded since I didn't care as much as her or the twins or even my mom who was also happy since she was just continuing to giggle aside Lisa about how cute me and Grayson would look.

Did I mention it's not just one rehearsal and we even have to wear the clothes we would wear at the wedding and get ready which would take forever since makeup and hair takes ages especially for well a wedding. I guess Cameron wants everything to be perfect for the guests since she doesn't even care about the wedding dress tradition which I hope to hold if I ever get married one day.

*next day*

We were pulled out of class to get ready for our rehearsal which I was dreading at this point " I'll tell you how it goes cloe" I said while leaving her behind in maths class alone and by the look on her  face she wasn't happy about it but neither was I, I had to hold hands with a boy who is disgusted by me were as I still have the strongest feelings for him which no body knows about except Chloe.

"So where's the twins" I said striking up conversation with Lisa and my mom when I reached Lisa's car pulling the door open and also I was pretty curious too. There all with the male party sweetie getting ready" Lisa replied smiling at me through the front mirror of her car . It had been about twenty minutes in her car and in those minutes my mom and Lisa spoke about literally everything if we were to see a fly on her windshield they would speak about it which bored me intensely I just wanted to get out when she finally pulled up to a really pretty salon were everyone jumped out to greet the people already there.

"Cam" my mom and Lisa screamed when they saw her ready as beautiful as ever I might say she looked flawless in her outfit, everyone did and the bridesmaid I'm assuming are her friends all looked amazing we had not spoken much me and Cameron since I moved in but I already like her she passed loads of smiles my way before so I just assume she doesn't hate me like her brothers . I approached one of the salon's chairs hoping to just get something simple when Cameron pulled up a nice looking lady to my chair " can she get a similar look to my bridesmaids I want her to look amazing as ever for my brother" she said not giving me a chance to talk but I didn't mind I mean the bridesmaids looked amazing so.


"You look amazing Alice" Lisa , my mom and Cameron all gave me compliments when we reached the hotel ready for whatever awaited us "ready" my mom squeezed my hand reassuring me everything would be fine like she did when I was little , she's more my friend then my mother but I love our relationship.

"Ready as I'll ever be"


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