The beginning

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Bella was very nervous for her new school. She had moved around a lot but she was never usually this nervous (even though Bonnie was with her).

Bella heard Bonnie call from downstairs,"Come on Bella we have to leave for school now!"

Bella took one last look in the mirror and put on her confident face on. This was a fresh new start for her but she couldn't help feeling nervous for what awaited her. She knew about vampires and every supernatural being, even working very close with some of them at one point (which her grams was not very happy with) She was an extremely powerful witch, who was trained by her grandmother as well as Bonnie, and excelled in performing spells. She had gone through so much lately and couldn't help but feel very stupid for being nervous about joining a bloody school.

She pushed all of these nervous thoughts to the back of her mind and walked down the stairs to join Bonnie. Bonnie sensed the tension that her older cousin felt, and tried to calm her by saying," I know your nervous, but I will introduce you to my friends, who will be super happy to make you feel welcome so don't worry"

Bella replied,"Yeah you're right, I'm being silly, I'll be fine" Bonnie gave her an encouraging nod and they proceeded to walk out the door. They got into Bonnies car and drove to school. Bonnie was telling Bella about some of her friends and how the school was having the traditional founders day parade. She also mentioned that Bella could help her, Caroline and Elena with the preparations.

Bella wasn't one for tradition, in fact she hated it. She just didn't get it how people could do the same exact thing, every single year. This was probably because Bella hated rules and being told what to do. She wasn't even remotely interested in helping Bonnie and her friends work on some parade, but she wasn't going to mention her dislike for it as she wanted to get to know some of the people in the town.

Bella asked about Bonnies friends, and she gave her a quick summary.

She said," There is Elena, who is super kind and she lost her parents a few months back (Bella gave a sympathetic look as she too had experienced the loss of a parent) Then there is Caroline who is so bossy and controlling but she is so lovable and loves to organize things. There are the Salvatore brothers, Stefan and Damon. Stefan is Elena's boyfriend and is ridiculously hot, but he is a vampire (Bonnie and Bella's face turned in disgust) but he is a good vampire, he doesn't drink human blood, he drinks animal blood. But I can't help but blame them for grams dying, even though it wasn't really their fault"

Bella's facial expressions soon changed as she realized this Stefan guy was different from most vampires. "Then there is Damon who is basically the biggest dick there is" Bella giggled at Bonnies not so flattering description of Damon. She asked curiously," Why is he a dick?" Bonnie replied,"He is pure evil, he feeds on innocent people and takes advantage of young girls, he is so arrogant and cocky, self-centered and full of himself, but he does everything in his power to protect the people he loves, it's awesome if you be on his good side, awful if your not"

Bella said sassy,"You seem to have pretty good friends" She laughed and Bonnie followed but replied in defense,"They are really great if you get to know them"
Bella said happily,"I intend to"
They arrived at Mystic High and got out of the car. Bonnie asked Bella,"Are you ready?" Bella replied,"Nope, but I'm gonna have to be" Bonnie smiled at her older cousins response and walked with her to the doors. Everyone was hard at work making banners, posters and decorations. Even though Bella hated this kind of thing, she couldn't help but feel happy about the friendly atmosphere around her. Bonnie spotted Caroline sitting at a table and quickly approached her, bringing Bella with her. They both sat down at the table and Bonnie said,"Caroline meet my cousin Bella, Bella meet my best friend Caroline" both of the girls greeted each other and Caroline said,"I've heard so much about you, it's so good to finally meet you"

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