Founder's Day Part 2

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Bella met up with Bonnie again outside of the grill and they decided to leave the rest of the gang and sneak off to find more information about what the council are doing to retaliate against the tomb vampires.

Bella had an idea and said to bonnie,"We should sneak into Grayson Gilbert's office, I'm almost certain there are Secret council meetings in there" Bonnie replied, not convinced "Almost?" Bella said with desperation in her voice,"It's worth a shot"

They made it to the office and heard voices. They both edged around the corner, listening in to the conversation.

"You want to use our town as bait? It's too dangerous, it's insane!" It was a woman's voice so they knew it was Sheriff Forbes as she was apart of the council. 

"We have gone over the plans with all of your deputies, they're all on board" Mayor Lockwood said.

"You've gone behind my back?" the Sheriff replied in frustration.

"Yeah, because we knew this was exactly how you'd react"

"Our children are here"

John butted in on the argument and said,"Liz, we need to do this. We have no choice, this is the reason for the secret council; our founding fathers created the Secret Council for this purpose!"

Bonnie and Bella exchanged worried looks.

"I'm the sheriff, it's my call and I say no"

After a long silence John said,"Mayor, could I speak with the sheriff alone?"

Mayor Lockwood agreed and left silently.

Sheriff Forbes said,"John, you're not thinking clearly, I'm not gonna change my mind about this."

Liz walked away from John to her desk but then John hit her on the head and she fell to the ground, unconscious.   

Bonnie was about to gasp with shock but Bella quickly covered her younger cousin's mouth, not wanting to be caught and end up like the Sheriff. John then handcuffed Liz to the radiator and took her gun. 'Great' Bella thought to herself. 


The Town Square

Damon was walking around the square, looking for the Bennett witches but ran into Anna.

He said,"You're still around?" 

Anna quickly replied,"There's something you need to know. The vampires from the tomb are planning an attack tonight"

Concerned, Damon replied,"How do you know this?"

"I went to them. They think I'm with them but I'm not."

"When is this supposed to happen?"

"When the fireworks start"

There was a long pause as Damon was thinking of a solution.

"John Gilbert wants to use to invention on them"

"Then we can't be here!" Anna replied, frustrated.

"It doesn't work, it's been deactivated"

"Well, then a lot of people are gonna die"

"Where are they now?" Damon asked.

"They are already here, Damon"



The tomb vampire leader addressed his followers and said,"Remember, we don't know which of them ingests vervain. It's not about the feed, it's about the kill. You know what to do."

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