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"I should be Alpha, dad." Maddison said with anger." I was born first." She argued. Our dad,Mason and papa, Angus, looked to one another with shock before facing her. My fingers curled into fists as I forced my wolf to control itself.

"Maddison," our dad said shocked. "I don't know what has gotten into you but that is no reason for you to be Alpha." Maddison growled lowly, her eyes shifting back and forth. "Now, I understand that usually it is always the first born of the Alpha to take their place but that is not how it should be." He reasoned with her.

"Maddison, it is not always that the first born takes the title, sometimes the youngest proves to be the true heir, sometimes even there isn't an heir. "My face morphed into complete shock.

"According to our law, you three should be put through trials which will test all the attributes of a true Alpha, the title being simply handed down to the eldest is actually the most unfair passing of power but in most cases the first are usually just right for the title but considering that you and your brother want the title, we have to allow for trial to take place. "Maddison choked and glared my way.

"That isn't fair." She whispered hurtfully.

"No, what isn't fair is you expecting the title to be given to you. " Mason growled angrily.

"I shifted way earlier than him, I had control over my wolf and still do more than him." She said as though those were obvious ways to see who was best. "I have wanted this since I was 8,dad,you trained me yourself and I beat him!" She points at me and I growl at her.

"Maddison, sometimes the greatest Alpha's still have no control over their wolves. "Angus said and Maddison made a face, as though her puppy had been kicked." Sometimes they are the smallest, but they still have heart because they haven't given up. Alpha's don't grow up knowing how to do it all, they learn, some even today are still learning so I suggest you step off of your fucking high pedestal and deal with the fact that you might not be the right Alpha for this pack." Maddison whimpered, tears now flowing freely. I gapped at our parent's in shock, I never thought they'd ever talk to anyone like that. Especially us.

"Daddy," Matthew said taking Maddison's shoulder and pulling her to him. Angus glared.

"No, she needs to learn that she isn't God's bloody gift to the fucking werewolf race. "I gasped." Sometimes even those who don't want to be Alpha are those who deserve it. "He spat out." And sometimes, what we think we deserve isn't what we get, or what we or anybody needs. " Maddison pushed Matthew away and he stumbled. I growled at my sister who stared at our parents in bitter anger and glared. Her hands curled and her nose flared.

"Fine, I'll do the trial. I'll prove that I am the true Alpha."

"Good. " Mason said with a smirk," we will send the council word of our trial and as soon as we get the instructions, we can begin."

My stomach sank then as Maddison pushed passed me, bumping my shoulder before leaving, slamming the door behind her.

"I honestly don't know what went wrong, "It was a mumble but I heard them. Matthew grasped my shoulder and squeezed reassuringly. I looked back at him, his similar forest Green eyes were filled with sadness, I wanted to just cuddle him raw and never let go. I could tell that Maddison's attitude towards this broke him, her anger and determination for the title hurt him.

In his eyes, she wanted it more than she wanted to be with us. I could tell as he wrapped his arms around my waist that he was prepared to cry. I held him close, begging my body not to betray me. Soon larger, stronger arms wrapped around us. I looked up at our parents and smiled a small smile before kissing Matthews barely there hair.

"It'll be alright. "Angus said. Matthew looked at me and smiled, dimples popped out at me. He was the most adorable sight I could ever see.

Yet,I had to put that behind me soon in order to compete against him unbiased. Somehow,that sounded harder than it should be.

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