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I didn't want to think about what Matthew and I had seen go on between Maddy and Kai, so I focused everything on Matthew. His laugh triggered my happiness as it rang out from the forest. We were playing hide and seek outside, at least what appeared to be outside.

My wolf paced urging me to go after him now but I wanted to give Matthew more time to run and hide properly. I counted to ten before I pushed myself into the thick forestry. I was in my black furred wolf. My paws dug through the muddy ground as I ran dodging fallen trees and random logs.

I panted and sniffed the air for my brother. My wolf was very excited and he wouldn't stop yipping happily. Soon enough, my brothers scent was gone and I looked up to see him sitting in the tree. He laughed, throwing his head back, he looked like an angel.

I pawed the tree and rolled around while looking up at him, I was telling him to come down. I was worried he would fall, but I also wanted to feel him run his hands through my fur. He laughed and came down. I watched anxiously, barking at him nervously before his feet touched the ground.

I tackled him onto his back, my tail wagging excitedly, I licked all over his face and gave his neck a nuzzle. He laughed as he ran his hand all over my fur. My wolf was a mess because of this. I swear, sometimes he acted like Matthew was his mate instead of just his brother. It was so weird.

"We should go inside," he said as I allowed him to sit up, I whined and out my paw on his thigh and shook my big head. He laughed and scratched my chin. Ah, that felt so good. "I'm hungry though." He pouted, aw hell, couldn't have him hungry. I huffed and motioned for him to get on my back.

I didn't feel like mind linking, which is why I just made gestures he knew very well. He climbed on and held onto my fur gently as I began to trot out of the forest.  It had been a nice day out, now, the sun was going down slowly and beautifully. I paused knowing Matthew was enjoying the site as much as I was.

I shifted as we neared the door and grabbed my  discarded clothing. I dressed knowing I would need a shower.

"Hey," Matthew began as we walked into a hall and I looked down at him.

"Yeah?" I asked trying to get the mud off my hand.

"Have you thought about..your...uhm..your mate?" The question was so random that I caught me off guard and I stumbled with a chuckle. My wolf perked up.

"Uh...." I trailed off and shrugged. "Sometimes, yeah, why?"

"Oh, I don't know...just.." He looked away, "we turn 18 soon... So I've been wondering if I have one." I blinked and noticed the pang in my chest at the thought of him off with someone else. I growled unknowingly and Matthew blinked confused at me.

"Sorry," I rubbed my neck. "Uh...but, why would you think you don't have one?"

"Oh... I don't know...not that I don't have one necessarily, just...if I'll find them." I chuckled and shook my head.

"You will, Matt." I assured him as we walked into the hallways with our rooms in it. "And you will be happy and ride off into the sunset," I told him and he grinned.

"That is so cheesy." He pushed me away then and I just laughed.

"I'm serious, though, you will, and I'll be here for when they do something stupid, causing you to fight and I'll be telling you how much you probably love them already," he looked into my eyes the entire time. "And that you just need to hang in there and fight because they are your mate, and mates can be messy."

"Giving me the speech already?" He sniffed and I chuckled.

"I'll save the rest for when the time comes." I kissed his forehead. "So, remember, you so have a mate, look at dad and papa." He smiled fondly and nodded.

"Yeah, your right." He opened his door. "Thanks."

I sighed and also went into my room for a shower.

A week had gone by when we were summoned to the room with the silver door with vines growing around it and a large table inside. Nathaniel was waiting for the three or us and as he looked at Matthew he smirked his way and my brother flushed which made me question the entire ordeal. I couldn't stop glaring at the man after that and my wolf wouldn't stop going on about how he should leave out brother alone.

"Right!" He clapped his hand and rubbed them together. "I'm here to tell you about the 3 trial, test, whatever," he waved his hand. "Tomorrow you are going to meet us in the hall where your next task will take place." He explained. "I can't tell you ant details because its meant to be a secret, a surprise. Works better or whatever." He rolled his brown eyes. "There is no wah you can really prepare your selves, and you will be doing this one all together."

"Like a team?" I asked with a face that screamed 'this can't be happening.'

"You could say that, but not quite, you just need to...follow hour instincts on this one, alright?" He looked at us all. "Great, also, the 4th and final trial will take place on your birthday," I bit my lip and looked at Maddison before glancing at Matthew who sighed. "You will be forced to fight one another."

"I'm sorry, did you say fight?" Matthew enquired rather nervously. "Like, fists and everything?"

"It will be split into two sections, but yes." He nodded and Matthew chewed on his bottom lip.

"Great," he mumbled and ran his hand over his barely there hair.

"Perfect, now, if you will excuse me, I have a call to make." He grinned and I don't think I believed the man could do that. He was just so big and intimidating that, I found it hard to believed he could ever smile. I glanced at Matthew as I saw him look at my brother who was blushing again. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him close, glaring at Nathaniel who raised a brow and shook his head.

"This is unbelievable," Maddison growled as she ran her hand through her hair. "I can't believe they want us to a team." She looked down right appalled at the simple idea of it.

"He did say not quite like a team." Matthew frowned. "Which is kind of confusing." He looked at me, his cheeks still pink. "I mean, how do people work as a team but also not as a team. " he tapped his chin. "I wonder what they will have us do."

"What ever it is," Maddison began,"you two better stay out of my way." She glared, her eyes glassy, "I mean it." She stared at Matthew for sometime before shaking her head and leaving us alone.

Matthew sighed before he laid his head in my shoulder.

"When will this end?" He mumbled. "I feel ready to say good bye to this entire shindig."

"Seriously, that word..." He gave me a grin before laughing.

"Oh, whatever." He turned and I followed him out. I sighed as I wondered about what exactly it was that we would be doing tomorrow. Considering how I did last time. I was not feeling very confident about this coming trial.

I wrapped an arm around my brother then and relaxed a bit, letting him take most of my weight and he protested with a laugh. I couldn't help smile as he helped eased some of my tension just by that simple laugh.

Whatever happened, I needed to be strong, if not for me, then for my brother, because at the end or the day, being Alpha was not worth losing my family. That much my wolf made sure I understood.

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