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A coma and a confrontation

I couldn't begin to comprehend the situation. The way Matthew had fell down to the bed and arched off while letting out the most heart breaking scream in the world. I felt my heart break and something inside of me snapped.

I felt completely helpless and as I watched him, unsure of what to do, my own heart stopped when his breathing came to a sudden halt. I felt frozen as my eyes widened and I listened to his heart beat begin to fade.

"No..." I whispered. I took him into my arms and left the room.

"Help!! Help! Someone!" I called out loudly, so loud my throat was hoarse by the time someone came running. The woman lead me somewhere, a built in hospital it looked and I set Matthew down.

I was completely distraught as they took him away. I tried to follow but I was stopped, that's when my wolf took over demanding to be beside our brother. I agreed whole heartedly and that's when I was sedated.

I laid there in a hospital bed, very conscious but unable to move as my brother was somewhere else experiencing something completely worse. How could his heart just threaten to stop? How could this be? I couldn't understand what brought this on, what the symptoms were for, I couldn't pinpoint. It made no sense to me, and that was why I began to cry.

Like a baby, I curled into myself as much as I could with my sedated body and I cried and prayed to every single god out there for help. No matter what, my brother couldn't die. Not today, and not ever.

Later that day, Maddison found me, I was no longer sedated and I was waiting for news.

"What happened? Where is he? What did you do?" For a moment, I stared at her like she was an alien. She had sounded just like when we were kids. When Matthew and I played and I would be rough, if he even let out a soft whimper, she was there, asking me what she was asking me now.

I threw my arms around her then, forgetting whatever beef we may have and I sobbed into her shoulder, into my big sisters shoulder. She rubbed my back and sighed.

"It's okay...he'll be okay..." She said softly, with so much love and care I found myself crying harder. Not only for Matthew and my feeling of helplessness but also for Maddison, my sister whom, right now I knew loved us, no matter how nasty she could be. "He will..." She sounded to be convincing herself more than she was convincing me.

By the time I had calmed down enough. I told her. How we went to our room, what he told me he felt like and how we had been talking. I didn't mention what we were talking about. I went and told her exactly how he acted and how his heart had slowed down so much, I was sure it had stopped by the time we reached the infirmary.

"He scared me." I mumbled after and ruffled my hair. "I don't know what they put in that potion, but I will kill them if I find out it's the cause." I growled and glared at the ground.

"I second that." She said and I glanced at her. Er chuckled then and shook our heads when suddenly a man came at us dressed in lace. It was weird, the things that occurred here. He seemed to be floating and his eyes were purely grey, no pupil.

"Matthew is healthy." He stated in deep monotone. "A mild cold has him, but I assure you, it is not the cause of his coma. "

"Come!?" I asked in outrage. How is that the picture of healthy.

"Everything is purely psychological." The man smirked. "He seems to be...hiding." I looked to Maddison who was as confused as I was.


"He will awaken when he needs to." He chuckled. "You can relax." Then he turned away from us but I was far from relaxed.

"I need to see him." I followed my nose then to a room that was completely black. There was no light on. I switched the lights on and completely cursed when a scream resonated. I had caught the sight or Matthew arched off the bed, his skin seemed to be burned by the light. I rushed over, thankful I could adjust enough in the sudden dark to see him.

"Matthew!" I called and I took his face in mine. He didn't move, he didn't speak but at least he was burning.

"Why did he react that way?" Maddison asked suddenly beside me. "Why did the light do that?"

"I don't know." Something was obviously going on and I couldn't tell what. I was literally and figuratively in the dark. I felt lost and my wolf was on edge.

I stayed beside him then, my hand in his and I just watched him in the dark. He was sweating and breathing heavily as though he were having a nightmare. He looked like someone asleep, not someone in a coma.

"They might have to cancel the trial." Maddison said lowly later on and I sat up a bit with a scowl.

"Is that seriously what you are worried about?" I snapped at her. "Our brother is in a coma and your wondering about these stupid trials!?"

"I'm as worried about him as you are!" She said heatedly. "I was only thinking out loud. I was trying to fill the silence."

"And that's what you went with?" I growled lowly. "Honestly, who even are?" I asked her. "Why are you so concerned about yourself? Honestly? I'm so sick of it. I cannot turn the other way and wait for you wake up anymore." I told her angrily and let go of Matthew's hand.

"I am not just concerned with myself!" She defended weakly.

"I don't know how long you plan on dragging your little attitude out, but it ends here." I flared my nostrils then. "If your going to be our Alpha, your going to need to put away your pride and face the fact that you have unjustly judged Matthew and I and in the process have pushed your entire family away." I could smell her shame then and I watched her slowly lean back, making herself look smaller. "Either you tell me what your problem is now, or..." I stared at her unsure if I could say what I was about to say.

As I thought of her attitude, how tense it made the family, the pack. I felt my confidence grow. I couldn't let her get away with hurting the people I cared about, those that I loved. It wouldn't be fair to them or me. If she wanted to be Alpha, she had a lot of explaining to do and she had a lot of damage to repair.

"Or you let me be Alpha."

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