The Day Before

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   Because Amoya, Jamea, Montie, Seth, and I all flew into Baltimore we already have our stuff packed for tomorrow.  Danny, Niya, Sarah, and Savio still have to pack up their stuff, I imagine Sarah and Savio are arguing about the minuscule items to take. Niya probably has about 12 books packed and ready to go, she can be a bookworm. Jamea and Montie packed a lot of stuff, what they packed I have no clue, but I know it's enough for two suitcases for both of them. Amoya packed magazines and some scripts for plays and stuff. Seth packed  a couple books, since I knew about the giant TV I decided to bring some movies for us all to watch. I brought a couple books, a sketch pad, and two composition journals. And I have no clue what Sarah and Savio are gonna pack. I figure we all packed a laptop, or are going to pack one.

    Danny, Sarah, Savio, Jamea, Montie, Niya, and I all go to MLK our old middle school. It's where we all meet, they all meet in the 6th grade but I didn't show up till the 8th grade. We see that it hasn't changed on the outside, the only difference is the flowers in the garden. We know we can't go inside because it's closed for summer. We leave there and go to the local park and just walk around and catch up on stuff.  We all decide that we

    Some of us go off to visit with family while we're here. Montie and Jamea go see family, so does Amoya. Sarah, Savio, Danny, and Niya go back to their homes or apartments. I stop by the hotel and pick up Seth and then we go to his parents house since my dad is on vacation and so is my mom. I feel like I'm back in high school again, I wonder if Montie, Jamea, Sarah, or Savio feel this when they see their partner's parents again. Do they get that feeling that it's their first time meeting them again? I only have five minutes to worry before we're at the house and his parents are standing on their porch. "Is that Seth and Liam I see coming to say Hi?" Mrs. Collins asks her husband loud enough for us to hear as well. "Why yes it is. Hey there boys!" yells Mr. Collins as we walk up the driveway. "It's been a year and a half since we saw you boys last!" Mrs. Collins says "Ever since you moved out to Oregon, you still can and text." Seth looks a little sad and hugs his parents while I stand back and look at the house and the flowers out front. "The lilac you planted looks lovely Mrs. Collins." I comment. "Why thank you Liam, they have always been one of my favorite flowers. I also like these little light blue hydrangeas." she says. "That's one big thing you two have in common Mom. You both love flowers and nature." Seth says. His mother notices that I recognize the flower and says "Yes I guess that is something that we do share in common! We must talk about it more sometime." she smiles and adds "Oh I don't know, maybe over diner tonight?" I laugh and Seth just looks a little amused. "Yeah, why don't we, we aren't doing anything else tonight." I say in response. Seth says "Yeah, I'd like that."

    We stay for a few hours and have the first actual diner since we got here, I'm guessing the same thing happened with the others who visited family. We chat and they mainly talk about Seth and his little brothers, Mark and Nicolas. Mark is almost 20 and Nicolas is 17, just now a Senior in high school. "Yeah, where is little Nicky?" Seth asks, his mother looks at him and laughs. "The same place you were in high school, with his friends. He has some good friends too." Mr. Collins looks at him " He hasn't been dating anyone though, he'll be the first one who didn't find someone in high school if he doesn't find someone soon... Hell even our ugliest son found someone who liked him back." we all laugh at that, Seth blushes though and that makes me laugh even harder. "Oh ha ha ha. Very funny Dad." Seth says with a smile. We stay for another half hour and then decide to leave to get ready for tomorrow. "Well, we know you guys are gonna have a fun time, especially since your hanging out with your friends for it too!" Mrs. Collins says. "We're thinking it'll be really good." Seth says "But we gotta get going, give Nicky a hug for me when he gets back." "Why don't you just give me one yourself?" says a voice I don't remember belonging to Nicolas. Seth turns around to give his little brother a bear hug. "Hey, little man. Mom tells me you've been hanging with friends." he says while hugging Nicky. "Well yeah, of course I would." then he looks at me "Hey Liam, nice to see ya." "Nice to see you too Nicky." I say with a smile. Seth and Nicky talk on the porch for another 3 minutes before we leave and head back to the hotel. 

    We check-in for the last time and go up to our room and I check my phone to see that it's 9 p.m. and I'm not feeling as tired as I was yesterday. I do the same thing as the night before, but tonight my PJs  are a pair of sweat pants and a Borderlands 2 shirt. Worlds dumbest isn't on so I just go to bed and to my surprise I'm more tired than I originally thought and fall asleep in a few minutes.

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