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    The next morning we get on the twelve and a half hour flight to Honolulu and then we take the five hour boat ride to the island of Love~Love Paradise. We can see the giant hotel as we approach the shore and dock, it's got to be at least sixty-five stories at the least. You can't see a single sign that just a couples hours away is the giant city of Honolulu. We see the sun start disappear over the horizon as we get closer to the island and we all just want to get to the beach. We get off the boat and greet out tour guide, who takes us to the beach and then we stay there for about a hour as we all watch the sunset. Our tour guide, who's name is Maria, takes us to the house and says that she'll be back in the morning and if we need anything to just call her. We're all to busy looking at the monster of a house in front of us, it's bigger than in the pictures. We all then go into the house and up the steps, slowly taking in the house. The stairs lead all the way up to the roof, but we get off before that, there is just one big room that has doors that lead to the rooms. We all just take a room since we're too tired to argue about who gets what room, I know everyone unpacks a little bit of stuff, but we're all asleep before too long.

    I wake up early the next morning and then sneak out of bed and down the steps into the kitchen to see what all we have in the fridge to help make breakfast. I open the door to find that it's not full but that it has enough to make a decent sized breakfast. I begin to think of what to make and who would like what, when Maria walks up to the door and sees me standing there and lets herself in. "Morning... um? I never actually got you and your friends names yesterday." she says. "I'm Liam, the rest of my friends are asleep and I'm trying to think of what to fix." I say. Maria looks at me confused. "What? Is something wrong?" I ask. "Oh, no not at all. Just normally the guests ask us to bring them something. It's just a little surprising that's all." she says. I hear one of the upstairs doors open and close and hear someone come walking down the steps. "Oh. Well good morning. Maria. Liam." Jamea says as she creeps down the steps. "Morning." we both say back. "What are you doing with all that food?" Jamea asks gesturing toward the surplus of food. "Well, till Maria walked in and told me we could order breakfast I was thinking of waiting till someone else woke up and enlisting them to help me make breakfast." I say. Jamea smiles and looks right at Maria, "You can make anything for breakfast?" she asks her. "Well, as long as it's a reasonable request we can, but it may take a little bit. Ms...?" Maria states. "Jamea, meet Maria, we meet her last night. Maria this is Jamea." Maria looks at me and says "Thank you. Ms. Jamea we can make anything within reason and have it down here within half a hour." Jamea looks at her and then says "Well, it'll be a while before the rest of our friends wake up. So I'm gonna wait till they wake up, or well at least till Montie wakes up." "Same" I say "but I am making something to drink and going on a walk around the island. Does the Spa open this early in the morning?" I ask Maria, looking at the clock on the wall and noting it is a quarter past nine. "Yes, it is and I can walk you there if you wish. But, I would recommend drinking something first, since they have hot towels." Maria says, then smirks "But! You need these." she says pulling our all-access pass out of her bag. "What are those?" Jamea asks walking to Maria to get one. "These are your all-access passes for the island and the activities." Jamea smiles "Thanks y-. Wait, how did we get these, you guys never told us about them?" Jamea asks me. I say "Well, we entered this contest, Seth and I. It was a weird contest, and the guy gave us the victory and the tickets and they gave us a full paid trip for us and up to eight other people. It's cool because that's all the people we wanted to bring with us." Maria laughs and says "These are the houses that the people who won the contests get, the three houses to your left are all full of people who won the contest. There are two houses with two people and then another house with, like, ten people in it." I look at her and say "Cool, I guess I'll go over sometime this week and see them all, if that's okay?" Maria smiles and says "I can ask their guide and see if it's okay." 

    Maria and I leave and I'm surprised that our conversation didn't wake anyone up. I realize that our neighbors aren't out yet, but I can hear the little scampering of a puppy on the inside of the second house I pass and Maria points out that it's the house with like ten people in it. We keep walking for a little and I ask her if there is a little supermarket anywhere on the island and she says "Yeah, it's on the way actually." I then say "Sorry to be such a bother, but how much farther is it?" she looks around and makes a little note in her head and states "Another five minutes and we'll be there, you can miss it actually." I smile and say "Thank you for walking me to it, I know it's probably what your boss makes you do but still, thanks." She still looks happy, "It's fun to work here and see the people on the island, you guys are some of the people I've seen here." I look at my phone and see that I actually have strong cell reception out here, but I also see that it's been half a hour since I left the house. "Must have wires running to the island to keep cell reception going, don't they?" I ask. She seems a little surprised at my knowledge of the island already. "Yes, it does. We want our guest to have the best experience and we thought cell reception would be part of that as well." we laugh at the remark and then walk the rest of the way to the Spa. "Thank you for walking and talking with me. I think after this I'll wander the island a little and see where everything is." I say smiling as we walk to the doors of the Spa, "It was my pleasure, I will go back and check on your friends." she says. Then I remember, "Oh, I almost forgot. If the guy who was with me last night on the beach is up, will you give him a message?" I ask, "Yes I will. The big one?" she says. "Yep, thank you again Maria. Will you tell him that I want to have breakfast atop the hotel at eleven forty-five. Please and bye!" I say as I step into the Spa. 

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