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I wake up as the alarm goes off telling us that it's eight and that we have to be at the yoga studio in two hours, I wake Jamea and tell her what time is. "How'd you sleep babe?" she asks me "Good, how about you." I ask her. "I always sleep good if I'm with you Montie, we gotta practice baking today too." she reminds me as she goes into the bathroom to get changed. I check the time and see that it's been fifteen minutes since my alarm went off. Jamea leaves the bathroom and I go into get changed. I get changed and go back into the bedroom where Jamea's sitting on the couch checking her phone. "So, you wanna get breakfast from the rooftop restaurant?" I ask her, "Sure, I'd love that. I wonder if anyone else is awake?" she replies as she puts her phone away. We head down the steps and see that Sarah, Savio, Niya, and Amoya are up. "Morning, hope you guys slept well." Sarah says to us as we reach the bottom of the steps. "Yeah, we did. Hope you guys slept well too, we're gonna go get some breakfast from the rooftop restaurant." I say to them as we walk toward the door. "Then we have to go to yoga class." Jamea says when I open the door.

We leave the house and start walking toward the hotel, we ride the elevator up and then walk the rest of the way up. We get a table with a view and order breakfast, I get some waffles and Jamea gets some pancakes. "So, we got yoga after this and then we're baking... What about after that?" I ask. She thinks for a second, thinking everything through, then comes up with an idea, "We could go back and watch a movie or more of Supernatural. Since we're on like season 7 since we restarted watching it." she suggests. I smile as I say "I think that's a really good plan, just chill out." We look out at the water and see that some clouds are forming on the edge of the water. "Looks like its gonna rain later today or tonight." Jamea comments noticing it too. "Yeah, might not be a big one though." I reply. We finish our breakfast and then we get on the elevator down to the walkway and look at everything for a couple minutes and then get back into the elevator and head the rest of the way down and go to our yoga class.

We finish with our yoga class and start our walk home, we are halfway home when we see Sarah and Savio enjoying some food at one of the minor beach restaurants. They must of gone swimming because they were soaking wet. We just said 'Hey' and kept walking since it looked like they were having fun together. We didn't stop again on our way home. When we got home we just went in and went upstairs to get changed, we came back down and said 'Hey' to Liam and Seth who were busy watching Heros on Netflix. Then Jamea and I get to work on our practice bakery for Nguyen's class. We decided to make a normal vanilla cake, mainly cause that would be the easiest to make.

We make the batter and get it into the mold for the cake. We put it into the oven and then start on the icing, we get milk, butter, and powdered sugar. I mix it together while Jamea tries to find the vanilla "Don't we have some. I thought we already had it out and ready to use... Hm?" she said looking everywhere. "Here it is babe." I say reaching across the counter to where the little bottle of vanilla sat. "Good, now to find the tablespoon. Here it is." she says as she grabs the table spoon and having me pour a table spoon and a half of vanilla into the bowl. After that she gets a spoon and gets a little icing on it and puts a little bit on my nose and then starts to laugh. So, I get a little and put it on her nose and then we both start laughing. She kisses my nose and gets the icing off and I do the same for her. We then get the cake out and put the icing on the cake and not on each other. I grab the strawberries and start to cut them up and put them on the cake. Jamea helps me decorate the cake to get it done.

We put the finished product on the counter and then we check the time and see that it's a little past three in the after noon. "Wanna watch TV?" Jamea asks to find something else to do since we finished our cake. "Maybe Netflix?" I ask her, not wanting to do anything else today but relax with her. "Yeah, I'd like that. Where though? They have the couch and the living room." she says meaning Liam and Seth. "Nah, you two can have it. We're gonna go on a walk. You two have it all to yourselves." Seth says coming up the steps with Liam behind him. They get bottles of water and then head out and walk out around the island. Jamea and I walk down and sit on the couch and watch Netflix for about a hour and a half before Sarah and Savio come in. "Hey, what have you guys been doing all day?" Savio asks Jamea and I. "We baked and we've been watching Netflix. That's about it. How about you guys?" Jamea replies as they start to head upstairs. "Nothing much, you guys saw us sitting and having lunch earlier. We went swimming and walked around the island."

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