The Neighbors

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    We take the elevator ride up to the top floor and then walk the rest of the way to the roof and the restaurant. "It's gorgeous up here and the view is wonderful." Montie says looking over the edge out at the water and the island below, "Yes, it is." Jamea says walking up next to her and hugging her and then kissing her. Jamea then says "So, what table do you wanna sit at." "We-" Seth starts before he realizes Jamea was asking Montie. "Well, I would like a seat with a view of the water if it's cool with everyone." Montie says, "Yeah, it's cool with us." I say speaking for Seth and I. "Okay, let's sit here then." Jamea says and starts walking toward the open table in front of us, we sit down and Bethany comes our way. "Hello, I see you liked the food so much you brought some friends." she says, Seth and I laugh. "What?" Montie asks. I then realize that they weren't here this morning and say "We came here for breakfast and Bethany was our waiter." "Oh, cool." Jamea says. "I see you all choose the seat with the best view. Good choice." Bethany says. "Yes, we did." Jamea says looking to her left, at Montie and at the expanse on the other side of her. Bethany takes our order and we sit there talking about what activities we want to do on the island. "Well, we want to do one of the yoga classes." Jamea says, "You know they have a couples yoga, right?" I say. "Cool, I guess we could try that. Would you want to?" she asked Montie. "Yeah, as long as it was with you, then of course." Our drinks come and then our food. "So, you guys are gonna do the couples yoga, that's it?" I ask, "Nah, probably not. We still want to think of what else to do. Any suggestion, Early Bird?" Jamea laughs. I laugh and say "Well, they do have a wonderful spa that you can go to after lunch. Please don't start calling me 'Early Bird.'" "Cool, let's go babe." Montie says to Jamea, "Yeah, let's. Thanks for the suggestion... Early Bird." Jamea says and I groan at her calling me Early Bird, again. "No problem, but you do have to have the passes." I say, and Montie looks confused at what I meant by 'passes'. "We have all access passes around the island and for stuff like the activities." Seth says. "Oh, awesome. Sounds like this vacation is gonna be great." Montie replies to Seth. "Yeah, it is gonna be great. Especially if I'm with you M." Jamea says. 

    We finish eating and then we into the elevator, we leave through the right side of the hotel, the side closest to the spa and the house. Montie and Jamea go to the left toward the spa and Seth and I go to the right to the house and quiet. Everyone will most likely be out and enjoying the island and the activities. We walk a little bit past the house and then to a little valley with some trees and just walk through the area and then back to the house. We go to the roof and then just sit in the hot tub and read and then we get out and just sit on the chairs and read for a little. I think of our neighbors and tell Seth. We get up and go down to our room and unpack the rest of our clothes and put them in the drawers they have in the room. We get changed and go next door and knock on the door. No answer. We try the next house, this time a woman answers the door. "Hello? Who are you two?" she asks. "Hi. I'm Liam and this is Seth, we're staying two houses down. We just wanted to get to know the people we we're staying next to." I say with a big smile. "Oh, okay. My name is Lucinda, I'm here with a few of my friends, is it just you guys staying there?" Lucinda asks. "No, we're staying with some of our friends too." I reply, she looks at us and invites us in. We sit at the table and talk about her friends and we talk about our friends. "So, are you here with anyone?" she asks Seth, "Yeah, we're here on vacation." Seth says talking about me and him. She looks disappointed for a moment, "So you two are dating?" I nod and she sighs and just let's it be and stops hitting on him. We sit and talk to her a little more. We're half way through out conversation when a women comes running in yelling for Lucinda. "What Aph?" Lucinda asks annoyed with her friend. "Sorry to interrupt but you have to come to the beach, it's amazing." her friend says. "Gimme like ten minutes, you can come and sit with us till I start to get ready." Lucinda says. "I'm Aphmau by the way, my friends call me Aph. What are your names?" Aphmau says, "I'm Seth and this is Liam, my boyfriend." Seth says. "Cool, it's nice to know that we have nice neighbors. We know the other people, the house on our right has some of my friends from high school and the house to the left has my mother and her boyfriend. Then I wanted to stop by yesterday, since we got in the day before yesterday. But no one was there." Aphmau says. "Yeah, we got in last night and just went running around the island today. It's really pretty." I say. "I know right, I like the little bit in between the hotel. You know what I'm talking about?" Aph asks, "Yeah the little river is what your talking about right?" I ask. She nods and then we talk about our favorite parts of the island. We finish our conversation and then I check my phone to see the time. It's a little after three and I realize that we've been talking for about a hour. 

    "Wait. You said you had to take your friend Lucinda down to the beach." I say realizing that we have been talking the whole time. "Oh, yeah. It's cool, we had fun talking to your guys and it was nice to meet someone new." Aph said, "Yeah, it was a lot of fun. But I guess we should meet up with our friends on the beach now. Bye Seth. Bye Liam." Lucinda said "Oh, and you can call me Lucy if you want. That's what my friends call me sometime." "Well, bye Aph. And bye Lucy. It was nice meeting you!" Seth and I say as we leave and head back to the house.

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