Chapter 3

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Asami pov

   Inuyasha basically forced me to stay even though I warned him of the dangers of it he got in my face and said 'then I will protect everyone and kill the idiot' I backed off and helped gathered herbs for kaede. After we ate, miroku asked me a question that surprised everyone.

   "Where did you get your name if you were a slave?"

   "A demon lord I would meet when my master would go to sleep or away" I answered looking at the moon.

   "Does he have something to do with the moon?" Sango asked.

   "Sesshomaru" I murmured. Making them all gasp.

   "Wait are you sure its sesshomaru and not another demon?" Inuyasha asked.

   "I'm sure he has markings on his face golden eyes long white hair with a white fur over his shoulder" I said.

   "I'm not surprised lord sesshomaru is a kind person." Rin piped in.

   "Well if he was so kind then he would've been here to make sure you are ok" it really hurt because I had called for him and he never came.

   "Inuyasha sit!!" beads around his neck shone brightly and he face planted into the ground.

   "It's ok he's a demon and I'm a human."

   "But demons and humans can get together." Shippo the fox demon said.

   "Please go I'm tired and today was a rough day for me" I said kagome nodded and pulled inuyasha out while sango miroku and shippo left peacefully.

   "Lord sesshomaru knows you are strong asami that's why he did it." I smiled a little bit and pulled rin close to me and we fell asleep.

Weeks later

   Finally they trusted me enough to let me go off on my own for a bit so I carried a basket full of berries and herbs.

   "Ah lady asami these are for you!" Said a young boy holding flowers I kneeled down and took the flowers.

   "Thank you they are beautiful." I said kissing his cheek making him smile. I heard a rustle and told the kid to run back to the village and to my left came a bakeitachi (weasel).

   "I will make you my mate woman!" It roared at me. I heard kagome and inuyasha running towards me but I could fend for myself.

   "Kama mark water and sound." Water came from the ground and formed around me then shot out spraying him and I opened my mouth and I let out a screech making the weasel and inuyasha get on the ground holding their ears. This made the weasel run away.

   "What did you do?" Kagome asked.

   "I scared the weasel off."

   "You also deafened me god can you warn me next time?" Inuyasha asked growling.

   "Sorry but I also feel light headed I usually don't use my kama marks especially two." I walked back to kaede's hut and laid down waiting for the dizziness to go away.

   "You are very strange and I don't like it." Inuyasha said but then face planted.

   "Kagome he is entitled to his thoughts if he doesn't like me he doesn't ever have to and I know I'm always told that" I said. I could hear inuyasha scoff and walk out. After a few minutes.

   "What do ye need?" I heard kaede ask.

   "I am looking for a woman that I believe is here." I froze it's him! I grabbed onto kagome's arm and held her close to me hoping he would smell her and flowers.

   "First of all tell me thy name and what is this woman like?" I could hear him growl.

   "My name is Erai and I don't know her real name but she is dangerous also with four markings on each arm and one around her neck silver purple hair and silver eyes." I was shaking this man terrified me and I fought killing demons and yet this being scared me.

   "No one by that description is in this village this here is the healing hut."

   "Well I was following the scent and it ends here and if you are lying to me hag then I will kill everyone here starting with you when I come back" he walked away and everyone came in.

   "Was that him?" Sango asked I nodded.

   "It's dangerous for me to be here when he comes back he will check every hut and if I'm here he will kill everyone"

   "Then if you are leaving then we will go with you" sango said smiling. I felt something burning my cheeks and it surprised me I was crying.

   "Thank you for being so kind to me." Miroku, Sango, shippo, kirara, inuyasha, and kagome and myself set out we didn't know where we were going.

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