Chapter 5

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Asami's pov months later

We have been traveling for awhile getting in trouble occasionally fighting demons and saving lives I missed sesshomaru dearly.

"There you are I found you at last." I gasped and turned to see Erai and I froze.

"You can't have her!" Kagome yelled drawing her bow.

"I don't want to fight so here I hope this will change your minds." From his back he pulled rin and kohaku.

"Ow let go!" Rin cried out as he pulled her hair. Sango held up her weapon but he put the two kids up for shields.

"Wait if I go with you will you promise not to hurt these people?" I asked.

"Yes come 22 and shall be mated" I gulped but nodded so he released rin and kohaku. Rin went to chase me but sango held her back. Erai grabbed my wrist roughly.

"I can walk by myself." I said ripping my wrist from him I walked with erai.

Back at erai's castle.

"I'm back prepare a celebration for a month from now when I announce my mate 22." The servant ran off nodding. I followed erai through the weird smelling castle to a room where at least fifteen women in skimpy kimono's stayed.

"Women meet 22 my final and best mate." He left me with the women.

"I'm sorry that he got you too" said an elderly woman. We sat talking about what they have been through and it terrified me.

Month later

I left the room of the mistresses to explore when I passed by a slightly opened door.

"Remember erai you can't mess things up tomorrow she is the only thing we have to beat those dog demons." I gasped they are going to use me against the dog demons meaning sesshomaru. I left the castle grounds and ran to a lake. I sat down letting the cold water warm my feet.

"Asami" I jumped and turned to see sesshomaru.

"Sesshomaru!" I exclaimed. Standing quickly I ran to him and hugged him.

"Why didn't you come when I called for you?" I asked.

"Forgive me asami." He said carressing my cheeks which burned from tears. I transformed into my demon self and when I looked at sesshomaru he wasn't surprised.

"Your grandfather was a inu-daiyokai." He said hands falling to my waist.

"Sesshomaru I don't want to become Erai's mate" I said holding onto his kimono as more tears rolled down my face.

"That gorilla demon won't lay a hand on you."

"Sesshomaru lets go please erai said that he would use me against our own kind."

"No asami you must face tomorrow strong like I know you to be I will come for you tomorrow."

"But sessho-mph" His lips captured mine and this reminded me of the first kiss we shared.

"Asasmi when I save you I will make you my mate." This made me so happy that he would be my mate.

"22 where are you?" Erai asked I jumped with sesshomaru's arms still around me.

"You must go sesshomaru" I said pulling him into a kiss. He took off and I hurridly splashed water on myself and the area to hopefully mask the smell.

"What are you doing here all wet?" He asked I noticed his vizier was standing behind him looking suspiscious.

"I came out here for fresh air after having a nightmare and I know the smell of sweat irritates you so I came to wash it off."

"Good come you have to be awaken later today." I followed them back to the castle.

When I first met sesshomaru was when my master went into a huge rage and kicked everyone out so I walked to my favorite spot but I noticed a demon with white hair a cresent moon magenta stripes his eyes were closed and he was injured.

"Excuse me are you ok?" I asked cautiously. He turned to face me and his eyes were a beautiful gold.

"I'm fine." His voice was really nice and deep.

"Is there anything I can get you?"

"Where did you get your injuries?" He asked.

"Oh I'm a fighting slave so I constantly get hurt but I heal with no scars."

"Does that mean you have no name?" I nodded.

"Asami." Is that my name?

"Thank you but whats your name?" We talked for hours well mostly me but as we continued to meet I found myself falling in love with him. One day I went to see him and he had surprised me by confessing to me and kissing me. The next day was the death of my master and I haven't seen him since.

Hours Later

It was true what he said but it took awhile to wake me up so we were late so while my hair was pulled makeup was put on and my kimono was pushing all my organs together.

"My lady hurry they have started." I rushed down the halls and came to the ceremony hall.

"Presenting, princess asami!" I'm not a princess!

"Ah I feared that my mate would get cold feet come join me so we can finally begin." He said with a masked smile. I looked around no one looked happy they must know how I feel I then saw inuyasha and his gang but no sesshomaru.

"Excuse me my lady whats wrong?" Said the vizier.

"Its nothing." I sat beside erai he grabbed my wrist tightly.

"Did I not say that you would be woken up early?" He asked smiling.

"I could not sleep" I said.

"Priest please begin." I felt my anxiety raise as he went through all the boring words. Where is sesshomaru why isn't he here?

"Tomorrow asami and I will having a mating ceremony and I invite you all to be apart of it" He announced. I could hear the guests whispering not one demon congradulated us they must've felt sorry for me and so do I.

"I challenge your claim" I was surprised to see sesshomaru as were the other guests.

"What! how dare you challenge my claim!" Erai snapped.

"I have a right for as you can see she is a dog demon and we dog demons have the right to challenge another demon for a mate." I covered my mouth in surprise.

"Is this true elders?" A dog demon nodded.

"Since I challenged you erai you get to choose time location and rules except for the finishing blows which will be decided by the woman."

"Fine this time tomorrow and in the garden and we don't have to hold back and we can choose a second and I choose the vizier."

"Alright then I choose Inuyasha."

"You are choosing a half demon that is an insult to us sesshomaru but you have already dug your grave." He stormed out and the guest started to leave the room.

"My lady you mustn't be around either men until they start the fight tomorrow." I nodded and followed him looking at sesshomaru before I left the room.

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