Entry 11&12

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Well, Christmas was the best one I've had since the passing of my siblings, and Jack says the best one for as long as he remembers.

The children were very pleased with their gifts. Even the smallest ones like the dinner Marco prepared for us all. I offered my help, Jack offered his and even Ike did. He said that Jack and I deserve to relax for a dinner, that we do enough for the children and he wants to give us some time to enjoy by making dinner. Eventually, I had gotten bored and wandered into a different room.

The room was filled with fresh flowers (roses to be exact), candles lit to smell like a field of daisies, and portraits. All the portraits were of a beautiful woman.

The woman had a ginger colour of hair, brown eyes, and pretty naturally-pink lips.

There was a book surrounded by rose petals at the base of the portraits.

I had walked over and picked it up. When I opened it, it was overflowing with more pictures of the outstanding woman. There were pictures of her but younger. Around Ike's age but it was her. She had that glint in her eye, the same one she had when the portraits were painted and the beautiful wavy hair that was down to her shoulders.

Then there was one when it looked like it was her grade 8 graduation. She wore a beautiful purple dress that went to just above her knee. It had navy blue jewels going down her right side from the top of the strapless to where the skirt began. It made her now mid back, curled, half up-half down ginger hair shine beautifully.

The next pictures were her with a boy. The boy had black hair and eyes that could make the sea feel green. They were cute.

After they were together; the boy and girl, but he in a tuxedo, her in a flowy dress. It was obvious though; she was pregnant. Yet the couple were happy, proud. You could tell the guy was the father. Beaming ever so proud.

Then were pictures of the beauty and the baby. His hair looked familiar. Then it clicked.

The shrine was of Jacks mother.


Today we went to the doctors. He says the baby is about one month along and so far healthy. He is very kind and he knows about our pasts. He is very much so like the father we always wanted. Therefore, he is "Pappy" to the children.

Jack was so happy. He said it was the best present ever. And he said for a seventeen year old, he is ready for the child.

We are getting married in the fall. That was confirmed with all our family besides the ones we didn't want to see. The "all our family" includes Marco, Aunt Shirley and Charlotte, Jacks uncle Franko (brother to Marco and Jacks mum Gabriella) and Veronica and children:



(Franko's children), Sally and Herman (my old newspaper route job owners), Mandi and Chris (friends of Aunt Shirley's), Suzanne who is currently providing my job as an assistant librarian. And of course Dr. Alex Doone and his wife Jane and their children:



Hope- 4

(The twins)

and their son Juan [pronounced wa-an]- 2

They will all be attending our wedding.


Dear diary,

Today we were on a walk. It was beautiful!!! The snow was covering the landscape, the trees covered in a blanket. But then, then I had to tell the kids that we had to go home. That the glorious walk was over. Jack gladly helped by saying if we turned around now they could have some hot chocolate, which turned the children's upset faces to happier ones.

Why? You ask? Why did I ruin my children's walk of the day? Why did I ruin the fun the were having? Why did Jack help by suggesting hot chocolate? It's because of one, simple, idiotic, person who scarred me. For the rest of my life. It was that one person.

The one person I didn't want to see. It was Satan.

The devil himself.

In women form.

Walking the earth.

It was...


My mother.

Can you guess what she was doing?

Hanging flyers for "Missing Children"

It didn't even have a picture of us. She said to contact police who would find her; signaling she lost the house.

A single tear had escaped.

But not for her.

Not for that monster.

Not for the woman who forced the innocent child to grow up into a mature women so fast.

No. Never would I cry for her again. That ended when I was 10. And it will stay that way.

So who did I shed that awful tear for?

It fell for that child.

For that little girl.

For that child, that little girl.

Who never was, and never will.

It fell, for me.

If I hadn't left, she'd still have the house, food and what she called a life.

But since I left?

Since the money she was making of off my pain was evaporated?

She couldn't make it.

I was the reason for her food.

I was the reason for the house.

The money I made was keeping it going. She stole it from me.

She stole my childhood.

She stole my virginity.

She stole my freedom.

She stole my money.

She stole my name.

Hell, she stole a part of my life.

But she didn't steal my spirit.

For it she had stole my spirit,

I wouldn't be where I am today.


Good? Bad? I don't think it was my best chapter but oh well. Just a few things today:

Not edited, as always.

***Still need names for that baby! If not names even a gender!***

Also, updates will be short and rare if updated or very spread out over a long range of time.

That's all beautiful people!

Stay strong, stay beautiful, stay unique, but most importantly,

Stay you!!!!!!!

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