Entry 4

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< 11months later >

Chase Alec. That's my little boy. Yes, when I lost my v-card there was no protection. The worst part, he was born on my mothers birthday.

I am 12, almost 13, and a mother to a two month old child and a motherly sister to a 1 1/2 year old. Ike knows as mommy and Chase as brother even though it's his nephew.

Aunt Shirley has been giving me more money since I brig Ike and Chase to baby sit Charlotte. I now get $150-$220 for a week plus my $75-$85 from my route. The neighbors have seen me with Ike and brought out $20 tips when they can spare it, but not usually. There's a new neighbor, he lives with his dad. I think his name is Jack I think.

He's a year older than me and has a little brother I thought.

Oh no...mother is calling. I will have to finish this later. Goodbye for now sweet diary.


Hello again. Sorry I haven't finished this entry sweet diary. Mother had news.

She was pregnant. Four months to be exact. She doesn't know who the father is.

She also said I have a "costumer" in an hour. She gave me these clothes that are horrid. They are black lace undergarments and a night gown that's tight red lace. I feel like a prostitute. Like her. Her being the one who gave birth to me. Has beat me. Sold me for more money. Made me give birth at this young age. She is the one who created my life, and now using the paint brush to draw it in a thin, controlled line. That is my life.

"Do as your told and you won't get hit."

"Enjoy what the men give you and give it back to them."

I hate when she tells me that. I do not enjoy it. I used to believe my mother was a good woman, and she was until they died. Her angels, her perfect children.

I am around $50 away from my goal, from $75 to move into an abandon house and live.

I have to go. He is here. He is drunk. This, is not well.



Not edited.

I wanted I update for you guys and trust me. It was weird. I am not writing this from personal experiences, just what I imagine some poor souls out there go through with my imagination.

Let me know what you all think! I take anyfeed back as long as it is not too negative. :)

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