A little Bit Of Hope

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Tiffani's Pov

It's been 5 months since Alison was diagnosed with AML.  Since She has lost her hair from the chemo and she has barely any energy.  Xavier and Eva have been helping by giving me extra money from working to pay for her treatments but still, isn't an enough. Even her school did a fundraiser. I sat on the chair in the waiting room and thought about what we were going to do to pay for these medical bills.

Alison was getting her first bone marrow transplant today. I wasn't a match long with Xavier but they managed to find one quickly.

            Xavier's Pov

I waited in the waiting room with Eva, my mom and the rest of your family. Alison cancer was getting worse and chemo wasn't helping so mom choice to do bone marrow. I wish I was a match, but I wasn't. At least they found one.

Now we sat waiting for Dr.Peck and the other doctor to come out and say everything was alright. I kissed Eva to get my mind off of the silence and the coughing of the other people. "I love you, Eva." She smiled and kissed back

"I love you to Xavier." Her blue hair was wavy just like the day I might her.


I was walking to school when I saw a girl with Blue hair She was beautiful I thought. I walked over to her and smiled "Hey I'm Xavier!"

She smiled a breathtaking smile that sent my heart racing. "I'm Eva I just moved here from Florida." Florida she wasn't tan which shocked me. She didn't dress like one of the preppy people she was wearing a blue funnel shirt with a black v neck.

"that's cool I bet this place is boring to you."I laugh and Eva Giggles.

"No not really I always wanted to live in Nevada it seems so fun." She smiled and looked at me.

"Yeah, it kinda is."

End of flashback

That was 3 years ago when I was 13 and she was 12. I never thought I would be dating her for so long but I guess it because were meant for each other in a way.

Eva Pov

I looked up at Xavier and smiled he was being so strong for his sister. When I  k new he was so broken on the inside.

"I'm tried, Xavier."I yawned. I didn't want him to be here when his sister come out of the surgery. He looked at his mom and asked her if he could take me home. She nodded and we walked away together I held his hand tight to show him he could talk to me.

The drive to my house was Quiet. "I will see you tomorrow." He kissed me when we got to my door.

I kissed him back "stay please, my parents aren't home."  I gave him my puppy dog eyes and he caved.

"Ok just for you."He smiled and it was so full of life. A smile I have rarely seen. We both walked in and I went to put in a movie.

He comes in from the kitchen with some popcorn and Pepsis right before the movie started. When he sat down I cuddle close to his chest and he wrapped his strong arms around me and smiled.  "I love you, Eva." He whispered into my ear. I giggled and close my eyes about half away through the movie I passed out and so did Xavier.

Alison POV

I opened my eyes to the blinding light of my hospital room. I had pictures of me and my family all over the walls. "Momma?" my voice was kinda horse.

"Yes Ali." she looked at me and leaned forward.

"Where are Xavier and Eva?" I looked around and didn't see them anywhere.

"Eva was tried so Xavier took her home. They will be here tomorrow I promise." She smiled and put her hand on mine.

"Ok." I smiled and looked as the rest of the family come in with gifts. I got A stuff animal wolf, coloring books, crayons, markers and a new blanket from my cousin. I also got tons of flowers and cards from them too. My school had a huge fundraiser for me so I could get this treatment. My grandma and grandpa got my some cool hats for when I got out.  I had to say this was a fun day even though I was in sick.

My family hung out until visiting hours were over then they left but I had a fun day talking with them.  The nurse came in after they left and gave me some pain stuff which makes me really tired.

Tiffani's POV

I sat next to her bed and smiled as the family gave her the stuff. Hopeful tomorrow she will be able to come over since she seems to be getting better. Dr. Peck Come in after she was asleep and confirmed that she can go home tomorrow if the bone marrow seems to help.

I smiled and nodded he left and I packed some of her stuff before I fall asleep on the couch.

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