Chapter 6

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Hey guys! I finally updated because if she updated I would. Anyway, enjoy!


Sky's POV:

I just sat down to eat dinner, when a sudden burst of air flew to my stomach and I feel to the ground screaming.

"Honey! Are you ok? What happened?!" My mother started yelling. I ignored her as my vampire, Jessica was saying," Something's wrong. It's your mate." I ran as fast as lighting out of my house to Ellie's house. I knew Kenai was there. My heart longed for him and was breaking because he was badly hurt. I got to the door step and saw Ellie on the floor shaking Kenai's body screaming for help.

"What's going on here!" I screamed. Then it hit me. I looked at Kenai and wanted to cry. There was blood all over the floor and leaking out of his stomach. There was a hole in his stomach caused by the bullet on the floor. I started to tear up. "Kenai! What's wrong! What happened!" I examined the wound and saw it was really bad. I held Kenai's hand as Ellie and I waited for the pack doctor to come. He finally arrived and quickly took a look at Kenai, and then cleaned up his wound and bandaged him.

"Ok, Kenai has been shot in the stomach. He needs to get as much rest as he can. We should figure out who shot him soon. I have to go right now, I have a job to do. Goodbye." He nodded his head to Ellie and went out the door quickly.

"Kenai?" I came in his room and saw him on his bed. He looked very pale and ill. "Are you ok?" He looked really bad, but I tried to make it seem like it was only a scratch so I wouldn't freak him out.

"Ya, I guess but my stomach really hurts I feel like I'm dying."

My face froze in shock. "Don't say that! You are ok! I promise!" I started tearing up. I dreaded having my mate die. If he died, I would short after. I could never think of living without him.

"I'm sorry Sky! I didn't mean to scare you like that!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. "Here sit next to me." I sat down and calmed myself down a little. All of a sudden, Koda burst into the room, and frightened me and Kenai.

"Oh my gosh Kenai! Are you ok! Does your stomach hurt! I though you almost died!" She frantically rushed to his side. I swallowed the thought of Kenai almost dying.

"I'm fine Koda, it's ok calm down." He gave her a hug and she squeezed him a little too tight. "Oooowwww! Not so tight on the hugs! I got shot in the stomach remember that."

"Poor thing! Oh Skylar you must've freaked out! "

"Uh ya..." I felt a little uncomfortable.

Luckily Ellie came in and ended the awkward silence. "Hey guys I brought chocolate chip cookies Kenai's favorite." She smiled and brought in a tray of fresh cookies.

"Aw man to bad I can't eat any. I have a strict diet of IVs!" Kenai said sarcastically.

"Hey Skylar can I talk to you for a minute," Ellie dragged me out of the room into her room.

"Yes...." I said.

"Skylar, when are you going to tell Kenai your a vampire! He still thinks your a werewolf. What if he wants to meet your family?"

"I'm not sure but right now is not the time. I don't want to freak him out with anything else." I will talk to my mom and come back. I'll just make up a random excuse to stay at your house, ok?" I have her a hug and then said goodbye to Kenai and Koda shortly and walked out the door. I accidentally bumped into Skylar's dad on the way out and realized he hadn't met me yet. I just said sorry and zoomed past him to avoid telling him why I was there.

I then realized I forgot my potion at home. I needed it urgently because my scent would come back. I didn't want anyone to track down my vampire scent and shoot me too. I ran as fast as I could, but tripped on a log and fell face-first onto the road. I was a little dizzy because I hit my head, but got up and realized someone behind me. I couldn't make out who it was because my vision was blurry. They came up from behind me and jabbed a knife into my back, causing me to scream in pain. They left me there and ran. I started to scream to get help, "SKYLAR! KENAI! KODA! HELP, I NEED HELP!" I could feel the pain rush over my body and I blacked out.


Another cliffhanger haha! Anyway I want to give a shoutout to Genevieve Groak! She is new to wattpad so please follow her and read her book. Who ever guesses who stabbed Skylar the closest, will get a shoutout. Good luck!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2013 ⏰

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