Chapter 5

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Hey Guys sorry I haven't updated in a while but here's the story!


Skylar's POV:

I woke up as I realized that I had fell asleep on the tree. Emma was next to sound asleep on a nearby branch. I smiled and jumped down easily(thank you to my vampire powers). I turned on my phone and realized it was a Sunday. I put my phone is my pocket and pulled out my potion to cover up my scent. I found it empty. I did not need my scent to be tracked down now. I ran as fast as I could with my powers to my coven's most trusted witches, Faline, and Rosalinda. I called them Fay and Rosie every since I was very little. My uncle had always had me come to them to have my scent covered up from the war that was going on between the wolves and our coven. The war has ended now, but I always use the potion no matter what. Not only to cover my scent, but to keep a memory of my uncle.

My uncle had died in the war which kept we devastated. He was Emma's dad and I can't imagine how she has kept on since he died. He was like a dad to me, because I never had one. My dad left when I was born because he rejected my mom as a mate. I've always been mad at him for that. For leaving my mother alone and having her long for him as a mate. For leaving her to raise a child on her own. For leaving me without a father.

I finally arrived at the witches house. It was a small hut, but it kept them going. I was always amazed at how Fay had been a friend, a mother, and a sister to Rosie because they were orphans too after their parents had died, which left them the duty to learn all the spells and potions on their own. I was taken by surprise as I saw a raven fly out the window violently.

"Aw! Wrong potion! Why can't I get this right!" I knew that was Fay. I heard glass shatter onto the floor and knocked on the door quietly waiting for the door to open. The house went silent as I heard mutters of "Someone's here! Who is it?" Fay said.

"I don't know I'm not tall enough to see" Rosie whispered,

"Hurry clean this up quick, I'll get the door."

I saw Fay open the door with a big smile on her face. "Oh hey Skylar! How are you!"

"Great." I gave her a big smile back.

"Come in, come in! We don't want you catching a cold!" Even though Fay was younger than me, she always acted older and was so protective over me.

"So what are you here for today?" She grabbed a whole bunch of potions from her kitchen and threw them in the trash. "I know what your thinking, why am I throwing these away, but don't worry they are test potions."

"Hey Skylar! I missed you!" I saw Rosie come out from the backyard and she ran over to be with a breathtaking hug.

"I missed you too!"

"Guess what Skylar? Guess what!?"

"What?" I smiled back at her extremely happy face.

"I made something for you! It is my first big potion! Give me a sec!" She went into the bed room and came out holding a basket.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Open it! You'll love it!"

I opened the basket and to my surprise saw a baby leopard in the basket. It started purring when it saw me.

"A leopard?!" I knew it was a sweet gift, but what would I do with this?

Fay came out from the kitchen and gave Rosie a stern look. "Rosie! You don't give people leopards!"

"But I wanted to!" Rosie pouted. With her being five, it was so adorable.

"It's ok, I would love to have a leopard!" Rosie looked up at me and smiled. "One thing, I have a special task for you." She looked up at me with attentive eyes." I want to to take care of it here, so it will be safe ok?"

"Ok!" Rosie started jumping up and down in circles. Fay looked at me with 'come on what will I do with a leopard' eyes I lip-said 'I'm sorry' and 'I will make it up to you'. She replied 'ok'.

"What should we name him, or her?" I said.

"It's a boy, so we should name him Ollie," she grabbed the leopard out of the bag and gave it a hug and then put Ollie on my arms. He was so cute and tiny.

"So Skylar, before you got interrupted by Rosie, what did you come her for?"

"I wanted to get a refill of my potion." I handed her the clear bottle.

"Ok! How did you the new scent I gave the potion?" She stared mixing up random things into a bowl hastily.

"It was ok, but I was told it was a too strong perfume smelled."

"Girl, with everyone wearing all that perfume today, you won't have to put any on! It a 2 in 1!"

"I don't know" I was hoping she would give me something else. That perfume smell was giving me headaches.

"Ok, Sky, I'll give you something different. What about something natural? Like Rose? No you've already had rose before. Vanilla? Nah, ooh I got it!" She pulled out a small bottle labeled 'Fay's special'. "I made this about a year ago. I was wanting to show you, but I guess I forgot about it. How does it smell?"

"Great!" The smell reminded me of my childhood when Fay and Rosie's mother had made me my potions. I really missed that potion. I guess Fay had finally mastered the potion. I looked at Fay's watch as some potion spilled on it and saw it was 9:00. Wow I really need to manage my time better. "OMG Fay! I have to go its 9! My mom will kill me! Hurry hurry!"

"Ok, ok! Here take this and drink every 2 hours oh and... well you know how to take this bye! I'll see you later maybe!"

"Bye!" I was just abut to leave when Rosie stepped in front of me.

"Wait... You have to come at least every week to some here and check on Ollie, ok?" She looked at me with puppy eyes I couldn't resist.

"Ok! Aw how cute!" Ok I got to go bye! Love you guys!" I gave Ollie a pat and a hug to Fay and Rosie and then ran out the door. I ran through the thick forest and quickly jumped onto the tree next to my room. I just got into my room when I saw Sophie at my window, looking at me with evil eyes.

"I won't tell Mom you were gone if you do my chores for a week, deal?"

"Ok, fine Sophie get out of my room!"

Ellie's POV:

I walked out of my room after finally finishing my homework and heard a loud bang.I ran downstairs and saw a shadowy figure zoom past me and looked down at the ground in shock. Kenai lay on the ground crying in pain as a bullet was on the floor covered in blood. Kenai held his stomach tightly. I started to scream. "Help! Someone get help!"


Cliffhanger! Haha! We'll anyway if there are typos, my friend kept nagging me to update. Comment on what you think will happen next!

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